keto advanced: Do Not Buy Read Benefits And Side Effects

Karan Ojla
6 min readAug 22, 2020


keto advanced the absorption of fat until things have has been I’m actually in a in a really good place right now I hate to amber Auburn and sent me her audio book the first chapter and so I just laid there and of weird crazy how tight my skin is yeah that doesn’t make sense to me it’s not for the fact that I mental gonna spend my money on anything it’s not going to be shoes or my hair it’s gonna be my my revised yeah no that’s where I spoil myself yes and I’ve actually caught my food budget yes I think that’s an important one for people to understand because you actually do spend a lot less money because you’re not buying all the other stuff that goes with it you know you’re not stopping it you know buying desserts and chips and snacks yeah yeah so much meat yeah and that’s amazing you know and I think that I’ve gotten that too I’m like oh that’s the most expensive diet you’re buying ribeyes that’s the most expensive cut of meat well if you look at what I used to spend in when I spend now it’s so much less and it’s less waste and I should

keto advanced already doing so many things right I was really thrilled but he actually talks about phyla coins in here and it delays enjoy you know I think we should enjoy what we eat if you like rib eyes then by all means you’ve revised if they make you feel really good you know yeah so what’s a typical day of eating like for you pretty much most of the time like I’ll wake up and I’m usually fine I’m usually not that hungry and I’ll just go about my day and then usually about like 1 o’clock or so I’ll cook a rib eye and I usually just cook it in a cast-iron skillet and you tallow with Himalayan salts and not this is how I eat it and I actually caught my steak with some Cheers I don’t use like a knife that’s kind of when I first started I didn’t have motor skills so — like — like wow and so I would use scissors and now it’s just like the way I do it there have been and then I eat it with chopsticks and I don’t know why but I always eat I always prefer eating things with chopsticks and so I’m just you enjoy it and why not you know my luxury yeah do you eat anything else besides that or is it usually just like rivai per day yeah I add animal fat or beef fat I go to the meat department local

keto advanced assuming right now you decide because of the consistency like when you bite into it it’s just like really dense and really thick when it’s frozen okay so you just pull it right out of the freezer put salt on it and you might have like a bowl of that in addition to the ribeye yeah yeah I pretty percent meat in 50% ah okay so you’re probably more in that you know higher fat ratio gotcha awesome and so you eat like the ribeye and then you might just snack on the fat later or do you eat it all together yeah I mean if I’m just going throughout the day and I especially I noticed when I started working out I was like I’m hungrier than you have and so I’ve been eating more and I just keep it in the freezer and so I just pop it you know just throughout the day okay got it so you’re not doing any like forced I’m only gonna have this certain amount of time to eat eating window type of deal I mean it it sounds like it happens naturally but I just want to verify you’re not like sitting there with a timer saying I’m gonna eat it this time and I’m gonna wait you know and if I’m hungry I’m not gonna do it then no and I’m still mentally ill you know I still struggle with you know

keto advanced with my rib eye is it just a handful or or a bowl of fat and I just eat it raw okay oh good when you bite into it it’s like a creamy like fudge consistent Wow so it’s just like you thaw it out though I’m but I thought process and organization it’s but it’s manageable yeah I still make sure that I don’t create obstacles mm-hmm so make sure that I make this as simple as possible yeah I do better as I learn more but it’s still a process you know I’m still here that’s that’s beautiful though because that you’re just keeping it simple you know and making it doable making it attainable and not complicating the process which is I mean and that you have the wherewithal to say okay this is an issue you know most people that have not been diagnosed with mental illness just overcomplicate you know way too much and it causes them a horrible amount of distress you know it was really funny not funny but ironic was that I I’ve been a child therapist for five years and I have my masters in clinical counseling and so I have all of these coping techniques they’re both college but I couldn’t implement it when I was so sick I was so just paralyzed yeah until

keto advanced but it didn’t matter what I knew because I do it you can apply it yeah and so now that I’m healing in a better place it’s like oh I can see that pothole in the road I’m gonna make sure that I have believed that great that I’m just like barreling right through it because I’m oblivious right you know though it’s been it’s been really cool to be able to implement you know some of those coping skills to to manage my mental illness because I still have you know you know mood change is ups and downs but they’re not the extremes where it’s like oh here and all the way down here great it’s manageable and that’s the difference between night and day yeah that have manageable bipolar disorder versus you know debilitating and you’re able to work and hold down a job and yes I started working full-time June 17th Wow okay so you’ve been back at work for a while now yeah and that was amazing to come back because it was just like you know I I’m gonna be okay I’m good at it yeah and it was fun because I when I was a child therapists before the end of 2018 and if you would have asked any of my my clients or their parents they would say hey I’m I was fine but I was fine on the days that I could get out of bed I was dazed but then on the other days where I had to reschedule everything yeah but I was in bed all day you know yeah but the

keto advanced goodness wait it was just the funnest experience you know and then when I started telling my story yes I couldn’t believe that the people who are hurting yeah there’s so many people hurting and feeling so miserable and so yeah that’s why I really want to put you out there you know on my channel and why I put myself out there because you know the depression anxiety and mental illness is so crippling and I think it is one of the biggest problems that people in our country and all over the world really experience I think it’s like the biggest health problem that people have why they’re unable to work why they you know can’t be productive members of society is it’s mental illness well and that becomes their identity yes they identify as this broken person yes and actually it’s amazing because there’s so much inside of them that is just covered that they’re not being able to see their brilliance you know their beauty yes all they see is I’m screwed up I am severed I’m worthless I’m not going to be able to do anything in the world but what I think

