Wall Hung Toilets vs. Floor-Mounted Toilets: Which Is Right for You?

5 min readSep 13, 2023


When it comes to designing or renovating your bathroom, one of the most important decisions you’ll face is choosing the type of toilet that best fits your needs and aesthetic preferences. Among the various toilet options available, two popular choices stand out: wall hung toilets and floor-mounted toilets. Each type has its own set of advantages and disadvantages, making it crucial to weigh the pros and cons to determine which one is right for you. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the key differences between wall hung toilets and floor-mounted toilets to help you make an informed decision.

Understanding Wall Hung Toilets

Wall hung toilets, also known as wall-mounted toilets or wall-hung WC, are a contemporary and space-saving option that has gained popularity in recent years. These toilets are affixed to the bathroom wall, suspended above the floor, leaving a clear space beneath. Here are some key factors to consider when evaluating wall hung toilets:

1. Space and Aesthetics

One of the primary reasons people choose wall hung toilets is their space-saving design. By mounting the toilet on the wall, you free up valuable floor space, creating a more open and visually appealing bathroom. This is particularly advantageous for small bathrooms or powder rooms where space is limited.

2. Easy Cleaning

Cleaning around and beneath a wall hung toilet is notably easier compared to a floor-mounted toilet. With no base or crevices touching the floor, there are fewer places for dirt and grime to accumulate. This makes wall hung toilets a hygienic choice and simplifies the cleaning process.

3. Adjustable Height

Another advantage of wall hung toilets is the ability to adjust the height according to your preference. This customization can be particularly beneficial for individuals with mobility issues or those who prefer a specific seat height for comfort.

4. Modern Aesthetics

Wall hung toilets exude a modern and minimalist aesthetic that can elevate the overall look of your bathroom. Their sleek and clean lines contribute to a contemporary design, making them a popular choice for those aiming for a high-end bathroom appearance.

5. Maintenance

While wall hung toilets are easier to clean, they may require more attention during installation. Proper reinforcement of the wall is essential to ensure the toilet’s stability. This often involves additional structural work and can add to the installation cost.

Exploring the Benefits of Wall Hung Toilets: Space-Saving and Stylish

Understanding Floor-Mounted Toilets

Floor-mounted toilets, on the other hand, are the more traditional and widely used option. They are anchored to the bathroom floor and have been a staple in bathrooms for many years. Here are some important considerations when evaluating floor-mounted toilets:

1. Stability

Floor-mounted toilets are inherently stable due to their connection to the floor. This can be an advantage for households with young children or individuals who require additional support when using the toilet.

2. Installation Cost

Compared to wall hung toilets, floor-mounted toilets generally have a lower initial installation cost. They are easier to install in existing bathrooms without the need for significant structural modifications.

3. Style Options

Floor-mounted toilets come in a wide variety of styles, including traditional, classic, and contemporary designs. This diversity allows you to find a floor-mounted toilet that matches your bathroom’s aesthetics.

4. Accessibility

For individuals with mobility issues, floor-mounted toilets can be a more accessible option. The height and stability of these toilets can make them easier to use for those who require additional support.

5. Floor Space

While floor-mounted toilets take up floor space, they do not extend as far from the wall as some wall hung toilet models. This can be an important consideration if you have limited space but prefer a floor-mounted option.

Choosing the Right Toilet for You

Now that we’ve explored the key characteristics of both wall hung and floor-mounted toilets, how do you determine which one is the right choice for your bathroom? Consider the following factors:

1. Bathroom Size and Layout

The size and layout of your bathroom play a significant role in your decision. In smaller bathrooms or powder rooms, wall hung toilets can create a sense of spaciousness. In larger bathrooms with ample floor space, you may have more flexibility to choose between the two options based on your aesthetic preferences.

2. Budget

Your budget is an important factor. Wall hung toilets typically have a higher upfront cost due to the additional installation requirements, such as wall reinforcement. Floor-mounted toilets, on the other hand, are often more budget-friendly.

3. Style and Aesthetics

Consider your overall bathroom design and the style you want to achieve. Wall hung toilets lend themselves well to modern and minimalist aesthetics, while floor-mounted toilets offer a wider range of style options, including classic and traditional designs.

4. Maintenance and Cleaning Preferences

Think about your cleaning preferences and how much time and effort you are willing to invest in toilet maintenance. If easy cleaning is a priority, wall hung toilets may be the better choice for you.

5. Accessibility Needs

Consider the needs of all household members, especially those with mobility issues. Floor-mounted toilets may be more accessible and stable for some individuals.

6. Installation Considerations

If you are renovating an existing bathroom, evaluate the feasibility and cost of installing a wall hung toilet. This may involve additional structural work, which could affect your decision.

7. Personal Comfort

Lastly, consider your personal comfort. Sit on both wall hung and floor-mounted toilet models if possible to determine which one feels more comfortable for you.

How to Choose the Best Toilet for Your Home


The choice between a wall hung toilet and a floor-mounted toilet ultimately comes down to your specific needs and preferences. Both options have their own set of advantages, and neither is inherently better than the other. Carefully weigh the factors outlined above and consult with a professional if needed to make an informed decision that best suits your bathroom and lifestyle. Whether you prioritize modern aesthetics, accessibility, or budget considerations, there’s a toilet option that’s right for you.




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