Junk Foods Are Making You Weak: Physical And Mental Problems

Karan Singh
5 min readJan 19, 2023


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Junk foods are being consumed worldwide and it has become a huge phenomenon impacting people’s lives. According to statistics, around 85 million people enjoy fast food every single day! Junk foods can be found in any corner of the world at cheap prices which makes people consume more.

But people are not realizing that junk foods are making people weak. From burgers to sugary drinks and snacks, it has become a staple diet for most people. Foods high in fat and calories make people gain weight, which leads to several health problems.

According to doctors, junk food is associated with a significant number of health problems over the long term. People consume junk food because it makes them feel satisfied. Knowing that it would have a long-term effect on their lives.

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What Makes Junk Food So Unhealthy?

Junk foods may taste better than healthy foods prepared in our homes. But it does not have as many benefits of food prepared at our homes. After Consuming processed food and snacks you may feel satisfied in the short term but it has several problems long term.

The thing that makes junk foods so unhealthy is the number of calories they contain. Nutritional values are not included in Junk Foods; only calories, saturated fats, and trans fats are included.

There are many medical issues that people across the globe suffer from eating junk and processed foods. Junk foods are making people weak by causing people to gain weight, have poor mental health, and become anxious compared to them living healthy lives.

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Why Are Junk Foods Addictive?

Junk foods are designed in a way that encourages people to crave them. They are high in sugar, salt, and fat. When people consume junk food, their bodies release dopamine, making them feel happy for a short time.

By releasing hormones, a person craves a meal and consumes more. This results in the same pleasure again and again. As it is cheap and located in every corner of the place it is easier for people to get and consume more and more.

According to a study, consuming high levels of sugar which are included in junk foods leads to changes in certain hormones which makes them difficult to resist.

Ingredients Used In Junk Foods

Junk foods are often made with a variety of ingredients which have significant effect in human health problems.

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Some of them are:

Refined sugar:

Sugar is mostly used in soft drinks, and processed foods like chocolates, candies, drinks, etc. It causes an increase in blood sugar levels and diabetes.


Sodium is indeed essential for building muscles and maintaining nerve function in our bodies. But Junk foods contain a high amount of salt to make them taste better but it leads to heart diseases and other health problems.

Hydrogenated oils:

These types of oil are often used to prepare junk foods and processed foods. Consuming Hydrogenated oils increases cholesterol levels which leads to heart attacks.

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Are Junk Foods Making You Weak?

Junk Foods is not only expanding your waist size but also not making your favorite shirt fit you. They are high in calories and contain ingredients we discussed earlier, such as sugar, trans fat, and so on.

Contributing to all kinds of health diseases. Junk foods are making our young generation and coming generations weak.

Consuming high amounts of fat, saturated fats, salt, and sugar can lead to an increase in blood pressure and cause heart disease and stroke.

The other reason why junk food makes you weak is that it causes inflammation in the body. And also can lead to serious health problems such as cancer, brain damage, and depression.

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Effects Of Junk Foods On Mental Health

Junk foods not only lead to many health diseases but it has some effect On our mental health. There is a correlation between consuming high-fat foods and mental health problems.

Junk Foods are Making People Weak because it they are high in sugar which is the main factor in increasing blood sugar levels. It can lead to mood swings and make someone irritable. It also lowers our energy and makes people feel anxious about themselves after consuming junk foods.

According to research, it has also been shown that people who consume junk foods are more likely to fall into depression and anxiety. Also, it causes poor sleep which can lead to mental health disorders. It is essential to have a healthy lifestyle and say no to these junk foods making people weak.

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In what ways does it slow down your energy?

Sugar is one of the most unhealthy ingredients you can consume for your body. It leads to various health problems as it increases blood sugar levels. Junk foods are made with highly refined carbohydrates and sugars. Which leads to people feeling tired and sluggish all day.

Junk foods are also low in nutrition not containing any vitamins and minerals that are essential for our bodies. By not including a healthy diet and lifestyle in your life. A diet that is low in nutrition, minerals, and fiber can lead to fatigue, weakness, and tiredness.

Additionally, junk foods are also high in caffeine which disrupts sleep patterns and causes insomnia. Lack of sleep can make you tired and low on energy. It is very important for our bodies’ energy to include a healthy diet and limit or eliminate junk food from our diet.

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Junk foods taste delicious and feel healthy for a while, but they are causing a lot of diseases to take over your body. This is both physical and mental in nature. By avoiding junk foods and processed hig fat foods, you will not only prevent diseases but also contribute to a healthy life.

Let’s make an effort to prioritize our physical and mental health, and consider a choice to eliminate junk food and replace it with healthy diets, vegetables, fruits, etc. And in return, we can enjoy a healthy life and make better decisions for our loved ones.

