Q3 2016 Newsletter

Karbo Communications
7 min readOct 6, 2016

Guess the Reporter

Which San Francisco-based Reuters reporter recently switched beats from one enterprise to another, covering the exclusive of Uber’s autonomous truck fleet?

Know the answer? Tweet us @karboco and use #TechPR!

Q2 2016 newsletter answer: Christopher Caen, ReadWrite (@citizencaen)

Karbo Com Highlights

The third quarter of 2016 was one of the busiest quarters yet here at Karbo Communications. We participated in executive planning meetings, attended PR networking events with the San Francisco Chronicle and Quentin Hardy at The New York Times, chatted with new start ups at the TechCrunch August Capital Party, celebrated two birthdays, took a barre workout class and attended a day-time Giants game where we were featured on the big screen. We also placed a contributed article in Fortune and secured briefings with The Wall Street Journal, Business Insider and Bloomberg for client and pricing expert, Vendavo, around the Brexit decision and recent EpiPen pricing controversy.

Finally, we closed out the quarter by welcoming a new client, billion dollar TDK Corporation of America.

We’re also happy to announce that two well-deserved promotions occurred this quarter. Margaret Pereira, who has worked with Karbo Com CEO, Julie Karbo, for more than 12 years, has been promoted to Senior Vice President. Margaret is a fabulous mentor and brings years of industry experience to her leadership roles on the ABBYY, Nexenta, Logitech and now, TDK Corp. of America teams.

Rachel Shatz was promoted to Account Executive. Rachel just celebrated her one year anniversary at Karbo Com and during that time has achieved excellent results for Townsquared, Nexenta, RTI and Vendavo. Both Margaret and Rachel are important, treasured members of the Karbo Com team. Congratulations to you both!

Pictured above are members of our team at our most recent company outing to the Giants game [left] and exercising at a barre class in The City [right].

Want to be part of the team? We’re hiring!

We are looking for a rock star Account Coordinator and PR interns to join our team in the San Francisco office. If you’re passionate about technology, have previous PR experience (agency preferred) and want to help great companies succeed, email your resume and a brief cover letter to info@karbocom.com. Want to know more? Click here.

Employee Spotlight

Rachel Shatz, Account Executive

Rachel recently celebrated her one-year anniversary at Karbo Com. She was just promoted to Account Executive and moved into a new home in San Bruno. We are so lucky to have her as part of the team!

Here is Rachel with fellow team member, Kendal, at our most recent outing to AT&T park for a Giants game.

Q: What made you want to pursue a career in PR?

A: Writing has always been a passion of mine, as has communicating with others and working collaboratively. Though my communications major was very broad, it allowed me to really hone in on my strongest skills; once I looked into a public relations minor, I felt that it was the perfect outlet for my combined interests. I like that in PR, things are always changing, and the work you do for a client is never the same. I think the variety keeps things interesting! I’m fascinated by the storytelling aspect of PR, and the way in which you have to take on a different voice to match the brand and company you are working with. I’m also very interested in the creative aspects of PR, whether it’s coming up with a pitch, a plan or contributed article topic, and how you have to think outside the box to present your client in a newsworthy and interesting light.

Q: What major change are you seeing in the PR industry?

A: I think the biggest change I see in the industry is the continuing shift to digital media. As someone who loves to keep up with social media, I think it’s fascinating to see how publications, reporters and PR agencies are embracing the online and social environment more and more for the successful development of their brands and images. It’s interesting to note that reporters can be pitched via Twitter, or that through a little social media stalking, you can learn so much about a reporter’s interests and then tie that into your outreach. I think the visual aspect, along with the ability to connect with others, is really interesting, and I’m looking forward to seeing how this continues to progress in coming years.

Q: If you could choose any three people to invite to dinner, who would they be?

A: This is a tough one! I think first would be Zac Efron, just because I’ve loved him ever since his High School Musical days. Not only is he very cute and a talented actor, but he also seems like a genuinely great person. Next, I think I would invite Ellen DeGeneres. She is just so hilarious and also seems to really care about helping people and making a difference. Plus, hearing a Dory impression in person would be amazing. Last choice would probably be Buster Posey. He has been my favorite Giants player since he joined the team in 2010, and as a huge Giants fan, I would love to just learn more about the team, and what everyone is really like.

Q: What is the last book you read?

A: The last book I read was “The Girl on the Train.” It was so good. I loved how thrilling and suspenseful the end was, and I can’t wait to see the movie. Everyone from Karbo Com is seeing it together this week!

Q: Tell us something we wouldn’t know about you.

A: This is also a tough one, because I think I’m pretty much an open book! I guess a lot of people may not know that I had a serious obsession with David Archuleta (American Idol, Season 7 Runner Up) for all of high school and a good amount of college. I thought he was the best singer I’d ever heard! I’ve been to at least seven of his shows and have met him multiple times. My room used to be covered wall to wall in his posters. I would say the obsession has mostly faded, but he will always have a place in my heart!

Tech Tidbits

“If there is any one secret of success, it lies in the ability to get the other person’s point of view and see things from that person’s angle as well as from your own.” —Henry Ford, inventor and innovator

Cloud Awards 2016–2017

Deadline: Oct. 21, 2016 | http://ow.ly/wfmu304R2ND

WSJ.D Live

Event date: Oct. 24–26, 2016 | http://ow.ly/rMrY304R2X5

Structure Conference

Event date: Nov. 16–17, 2016 | http://ow.ly/RTmx304R5PG

Connecting the EDGE

Event date: Nov. 16–17, 2016 | http://ow.ly/RbII304R6Ak

Ignition: Future of Digital

Event date: Dec. 5–7, 2016 | http://ow.ly/qlg7304R6Jt

Client Highlights

eBay Advertising, a division of eBay Inc., had a very exciting and eventful Q3.

The eBay Advertising account team has been focused on increasing industry awareness for the company and achieving thought leadership. This quarter, the Karbo Com team placed three contributed articles written by eBay Advertising executives on some of the industry’s hottest trends. These articles included content around cross-channel attribution in iMedia Connection, mobile video advertising in MediaPost and a separate story on CRM matching in WebProNews. The articles provided great exposure for eBay Advertising and reinforced the company’s leadership position. The combined unique monthly viewership for all three articles was more than 4.3 million!

Karbo Communications is known for award-winning PR for B2B and B2C technology companies, but we have a digital content development side, too. Logitech is a leading provider of personal peripherals that enable people to enjoy a better digital experience whether at work or at play. The company selected Karbo Com to develop the content for a major web redesign that went live beginning in June 2016.

With products sold in almost every country in the world, Logitech’s leadership encompasses a wide variety of personal peripherals (both cordless and corded). In the B2B category, Logitech excels in conference cams, headsets, webcams and video collaboration systems. Designed for small- to large-size groups, Logitech products are changing the way teams collaborate, opening new possibilities and eliminating old boundaries.

The KC team received a lot of positive feedback on our initial content, and we’ve been asked to provide additional material for subsequent rollouts. We’re so proud to be partnering with this market leader!

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Karbo Communications

Karbo Communications is a high tech PR firm located in San Francisco. You don’t get bench players, you get the industry’s top people working with you everyday.