Anna Arent
4 min readAug 20, 2020


How to lose weight fast? This question interests every overweight person. It seems almost impossible or requires a lot of effort and self-control. Maybe it’s so.

But there are some effective ways published by scientists and verified by professionals. In this article, we will tell you about those ways. Also, we will tell about a very effective natural food supplement that become very popular among actors and is jokingly called Robert De Niro’s capsules.

OK, guys, let’s get started…

1. Count Calories

Although this may seem like an easy task, counting calories is one of the easiest and most effective ways to quickly lose weight.

Weight loss occurs when you consume more calories than you consume, either by reducing consumption or increasing physical activity.

Calorie reduction is usually not considered a sustainable way to lose weight, calorie counting can be an effective tool for weight loss in combination with other changes in diet and lifestyle.

Keeping track of calorie intake can increase your understanding of what you are putting on the plate, giving you the knowledge, you need for a healthier choice.

2. Drink More Water

Increasing water intake is an easy way to increase weight loss with minimal effort.

Studies show that water can increase weight loss by accelerating metabolism, while temporarily increasing the number of calories that the body burns after eating.

According to one study, drinking 500 ml of water increases metabolism by 30% in 30–40 minutes.

For best results, drink at least 1–2 liters of water per day.

3. Increase Protein Intake

In order to quickly lose weight, you need to include more high protein foods in your diet.

A high protein diet was associated with a reduction in abdominal fat, as well as maintaining muscle mass and metabolism during weight loss.

Protein can also help reduce appetite and reduce calorie intake.

Meat, seafood, poultry, legumes, eggs, nuts, and seeds are some good sources of protein that you can easily add to your diet.

4. Reduce Carbohydrate Intake

Reducing refined carbohydrate intake is another useful strategy to accelerate weight loss.

Refined carbohydrates were devoid of nutrients and fiber during processing, resulting in a low-nutrient product.

Moreover, they usually have a high glycemic index, which means that they are quickly absorbed and absorbed. Fast digestion leads to jumps and drop-in blood sugar, and then to an increase in hunger.

The consumption of large amounts of refined carbohydrates is also associated with an increase in fat and weight gain.

5. Start Lifting Weights

Weight Training is an exercise that involves working against strength to increase muscle strength and endurance.

Adding weight training to your routine can increase fat burning and speed up your metabolism to help you burn more calories, even at rest.

Start by going to the gym or doing physical exercises at home, such as squats, boards, and lunges.

6. Eat More Fiber

Slow digestion of fibers through the gastrointestinal tract, slowing down the emptying of the stomach so that you feel full longer.

A saturating fiber effect can be very beneficial in terms of weight control.

Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds are all excellent sources of fiber, which are an integral part of a healthy diet for weight loss.

7. Set a Sleep Schedule

Although there is no doubt that switching diets and exercise are the two most important ways to lose weight, the amount of sleep can also play a role.

Enough sleep can prepare you for success, sleep deprivation can lead to the fact that kilograms gradually accumulate over time.

The study showed that even one night of sleep deprivation can increase hunger hormones, which can lead to increased appetite and weight gain.

Minimize caffeine intake at bedtime to establish a healthy sleep cycle and increase weight loss.

8. Consume natural nutritional supplements.

Leptitox suplement

Leptin is a hormone that is responsible for the feeling of hunger. With its violations, people have an irresistible feeling of hunger. Scientists have created the food supplement Leptitox, which normalizes the level of leptins in the body.

Leptitox helps reduce appetite and speeds up metabolism. This dietary supplement is a very effective weight loss assistant. You can find more information about this supplement here

9. Add Cardio to your program

Whether you want to lose one pound or 20, adding cardio to your regimen is a must.

Cardio, also known as aerobic exercise, is a form of physical activity that increases your heart rate and helps strengthen your heart and lungs.

To maximize weight loss, try to devote 150–300 minutes of cardio therapy every week, or about 20–40 minutes every day.

Walking, running, jumping rope, rowing and boxing are some easy and enjoyable cardio workouts that can increase weight loss.

10. Eat slowly and carefully

Mindfulness is a practice that includes a deeper awareness of your thoughts and feelings, as well as a shift in your attention to the present.

Eating slowly and practicing mindfulness can help increase weight loss and reduce consumption, while also letting you enjoy your meal.

For example, one small study has shown that eating slowly leads to a greater increase in satiety hormones and a feeling of satiety than eating at a faster pace.

Try to minimize distractions while eating, chew food more thoroughly, and drink water while eating to help yourself relax and enjoy.

Although losing 20 pounds can seem like a serious problem, it can be done quickly and safely by making a few simple changes to your diet and lifestyle.

For best results, mix and combine these tips to improve both weight loss and overall health.

With a little patience and determination, it’s possible to lose more then 20 pounds to help you achieve your weight loss goals fast

Now you know how to lose weight fast without killing your health.

