Why I Left My Job To Go Back To School

Karen Tran
3 min readFeb 9, 2018


Featuring the cast of Parks and Recreation.

3 grueling years. Countless sleepless nights. Draining bank account. Sound familiar?

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That was pretty much school in a nutshell. After pulling all-nighters and crying myself to sleep, I finally got my hands on a Graphic Design diploma!

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Off to the real world then, right? I was lucky enough to land a super awesome fun job straight after graduating. So why was I feeling empty?

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As much as I loved the design industry, I knew I had to pursue something bigger and greater down the road. Being a huge video game, entertainment and technology fan, I knew I was going to end up in the digital world.

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After doing a ton of research, I ended up in the Interactive Media Management program at Centennial College. Not gonna lie, I’m pretty stoked with what the future has in store.

So here’s why I made my switch from working to studying.

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It’s a Fast Growing Industry

Because of this growing industry, Ontario has recently increased their funding for digital interactive media. More funding, more projects, more jobs! Oh and… making more money is kind of a plus.

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Transferable Skills

It’s great feeling useful! This program is really elevating my design and strategizing skills. I love learning new ways to create and share content and the interactive media industry is never short of that. It’s like being a kid in a candy shop!

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The Learning Never Stops

I love a great challenge. It gets pretty boring when you’re not absorbing new information and when your job never changes. Trends, fads and techniques come and go rapidly, so I’m never short of new things to discover!

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Making An Impact

Interactive media is something we use on a daily basis, whether you know it or not. Eventually this will be shaping the way we live, learn and grow. Being so new in the industry means that it’s up us to enforce positive changes in the workforce. Having the potential to create a positive impact on the lives of millions is a huge dream of mine. Diversity, positivity and change, oh my!

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I LOVE THE DIGITAL INDUSTRY. On weekends, you’ll find me all cozied up in front of my PC shooting some baddies. On evenings, you’ll catch me watching some of my favourite shows. On the daily, I’m always on the lookout of what’s new in the interactive media. It’s thrilling to know that you might be potentially working on the next big thing.

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So if you were one the fence initially, hope this will help with the decision making! At the end of the day…

Source: Giphy

