Karen Brown
1 min readApr 3, 2017


I want to know what you recommend that I do to be a legitimate, useful ally. I go to the monthly open meeting (open to whites) of OneStruggleKC, a group for POC, primarily blacks, but I’ve been told by one of the group’s black leaders that if I really want to learn/be helpful, I should go to SURJ (which I was already doing). I said I didn’t find it particularly helpful to be in a group of whites talking about dismantling our racism. I felt I needed to be with blacks, too. I was told that it isn’t black people’s job to educate whites (which I already knew), that we should educate ourselves, and SURJ was trying to do that. (I do a lot of reading, but I also really need to hear people speak.) I took OneStruggle’s direct action training last summer and I stand ready to be part of local actions (a friend holds my bail money). But there aren’t many direct actions and I honestly want to do what I can to become aware of and dismantle my racism. So what do you suggest??? This is a serious question and I really wish you’d write a column about what we can do and where we can go from here. Thank you!

