Constructed Narrative
No matter in constructing an image or a video, it is important to decide what is the message, plot, motive, personality and aesthetic characteristics in order to enhance the skill level.
1.Constructed Narratives
There are two choices in constructing a scene, studio or nonstudio approaches. It depends on which is better for the storytelling.
2. Framing
It about brings the focus to a subject by deciding what’s in the frame and what’s out of the frame. Also, lighting helps a lot in the structure to lead the viewer’s eye to the main focal point. When framing an image, it is important to consider — ‘will this add to or take away from the image?’ Because sometimes it can make differences in the outcome.
3. Mise en scène= ‘placing on stage
The arrangement of everything that appears in the framing — actors, lighting, décor, props, costume — is called mise-en-scène, a French term that means “placing on stage.” It also means placing on the screen, director in charge of deciding what goes where, when; every element is so important to use to construct a story.
4. Symbolism
Symbolism means the aesthetic communication of the work; how what and why in the visual Storytelling. How the story will achieve and how it will be interpreted by the audience.
5. Time & Place
When and where the story will happen. Those are the basic elements to construct a work. No matter a video or an image.
Gabe.M (2014). Mise en scène. Available: Last accessed 10th Oct 2016.
Darren.R (2016). Framing Your Shots — Photography Composition Technique. Available: Last accessed 10th Oct 2016.