Karen Dart Mencotti
1 min readJun 8, 2020


I’m going to just come out and ask it; what are you saying? I don’t see myself (a white woman) fitting into any of those racist boxes. I have never looked down on any group of people, I have never denied that blacks got a dirty deal from the first days of the slave trade, I was not raised to be racist (although I did call my mom out on her hidden racism once), I have had numerous black friends. I’m educating myself (belatedly) about deeper issues of the black experience and realizing my hitherto unappreciated white privilege. Supported black causes, never used derogatory terms and consciously raised my sons to not be racist.

At some point, people like me get to a point where we think,” What the hell more am I supposed to do? Why is it never enough? I’m doing everything right (I hope) but I’m still a racist?”

If I’m missing something, please explain.

