PinnedKaren HartFBI Accused of Deception in Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist Investigation: Discrepancies…Part 7 “I could put you in the trunk of my car and you’d never be seen again.”Mar 253Mar 253
PinnedKaren HartPart 6: Exclusive! New Information Disclosed by the Boston Police about the Gardner TheftPart 6: Initial Boston Police Incident Report for the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Theft ReleasedMar 185Mar 185
PinnedKaren HartFBI Accused of Deception in Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist Investigation: Discrepancies…Photo by Jen Shishmanian on UnsplashJan 316Jan 316
PinnedKaren HartReclaiming Justice: Support Julian Assange Learn why Catholics should care and take a stand for…Matthew 25: 35–40 “I was in prison and you came to visit me” BeatitudesMar 27, 20239Mar 27, 20239
PinnedKaren HartinILLUMINATION’S MIRRORCIA Persuaded Kitchen Staff to Poison Attendees at a Scientific ConferenceBook Review of Spy Schools: How the CIA, FBI, and Foreign Intelligence Secretly Exploit America’s Universities by Daniel GoldenMar 6, 202314Mar 6, 202314
Karen HartWhen the Truth Is Ignored: A Personal Battle Against Systemic Injustice and Media ApathyOnce you become an adult, you gradually (or perhaps not so gradually) realize that the world does not work the way it is supposed to work…Aug 71Aug 71
Karen HartFBI Accused of Deception in Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum Heist Investigation: Part 10, Christ in…Several months went by and I called the FBI again to see if they had done anything about what I had told them. They told us nothing…Jul 11Jul 11
Karen HartinILLUMINATIONInsider Information on the Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum TheftCorrupt FBI agent John Connolly accused of stealing art “souvenirs” and making death threats to witness and Globe reporter, Steve KurkjianMay 291May 291
Karen HartinILLUMINATIONFrom One to Many: How One Person’s Simple Act of Litter Cleanup Transformed Their Perspective and…At some point in my life I realized that I could be angry about litter on the sidewalk and walk by it (sometimes the same piece of litter)…May 205May 205