How was your day


You want to talk about
The shows we’ve watched
The meals we’ve had
The wines that are on sale

You want to talk about
The stars we’ve eaten
And those we’ve drunk
The frequency of our poop

The distance you ran
The shoes you wore
How to remove sweat smells
from old shirts

The stink of the detergent
The chemicals in the softener
The carcinogens in dryer sheets
The problems with the solution

The temperament of the car
Our average mileage
With tyres as flat as
Last night’s Prosecco

Tomorrow’s weather
The sleep we didn’t sleep
The shapes of
bedsheets in the morning

Navel oranges need gazing
What pretty pregnant bumps
Eggs are close to expiration
Despite no warning signs

But did you know?
That some wines are on sale
Along with last season’s
Nike shoes

