This is how Fulvio Martusciello MEP recruited by Manel Msalmi, Saudi Spy

European Parliament Files
7 min readJan 6, 2023

The European Parliament has been accused of shameless partisanship and corruption. Some of European Parliament members have been lobbying to support the political positions of their parties and national interest, but some MEPs used their parliamentary work to act on behalf of organizations and also third party countries and governments. In addition, it has been revealed that MEPs have been listed as being connected to various companies and governments which they are either involved in, or have a financial relationship with. Its very clear that Brussels bubble is corrupt to the root and MEPs have no parliamentary work except acting on behalf of foreign agents and lobbyists.

A recent report carried out by the Internal Research Centre of the Commission. A total of 28,344 lobby meetings were published in the last five years. However, many MEPs did not publish their meetings. During the same period, 25 per cent of them declared outside earnings of between 3.9 and 11.5 million euros.

Rogue Governments paying MEPs – The Case for Manel Msalmi and Fulvio

As the gulf countries find it difficult to work in the European Parliament, one strategy that has always succeeded which is working through proxies. Proxies include NGOs, individuals, lobbyists and sometimes spies. This following story is not a police or mysterious but a real story where autocracies (United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia) are heavily funding rogue and fake NGOs. In Brussels, the perfect hub of corruption Manel Msalmi pose as human rights activist who is pro women rights and anti extremism expert. But in fact she is not, she is here in the Brussels Bubble for one task which is to defend the Saudi-Emirate war against Yemen and boost the interest of Gulf countries. She has been working tirelessly to ensure that both of those gulf countries are protected from EP work and praised by the MEPs.

Fulvio Martusciello, an MEP for Sale

Have you heard that ? An MEP for sale. That’s the case for Fulvio Martusciello who could sell himself for as low as it gets. Martusciello Is working with Saudi Arabia and Bahrain, Emirates, Oman Egypt and any government that keep his pockets full of euros.

Manel Msalmi who is a Tunisian activist based in Brussels is the NGO link for Fulvio Martusciello MEP which keep some business coming to him regularly. He held many events and issued statements to support Saudi war in Yemen and any foreign policy issue that is adopted by Saudi Arabia and its allies.

Manel Msalmi whose former job was hairdresser in Belgium was recruited by a Saudi diplomat in Brussels were they entered in a relationship for few years early in 2019. The intimate relationship between the two ultimately developed into business whereby he asked Manel to establish an NGO for a Yemeni activist Wesam Basendawa, director of the March 8 Bloc for Yemeni Women. She became more involved into politics and nominated herself in a Belgian political party as candidate but she did not win the elections.

Manel Msalmi presented herself to be a senior leader in a European party and sometimes a senior EU diplomat. She even made statements and interviews on Arabic TVs and newspapers suggesting that she is an offical in the European Union and sometimes in the parliament.

In March 2022 Fulvio and Manel shared a panel at the European Parliament not speak about war crimes in Yemen committed by Saudis but only to speak about Houthi fighters crimes. The event was funded by the Saudi Embassy and did not discuss the famine or continued attacks by the military of KSA. The event cost was €70,000. Speakers were paid €5000 each whilst Fulvio pocketed €40,000. Nothing has been declared by the MEP. The rate of fulvio for such events is around €30,000 on average.

At the end of the meeting and as usual Manel tweeted:

I had the privilege to moderate and co-organise the international conference “Human rights violations in Yemen”host by Mep Martusciello and #Epp group with political leaders including 10 Meps ,EU Ngo’s and Dr @wesamee president of the #YCIW #WomensHistoryMonth #YemenCantWait #EU

She also tweeted:

Thank you Mep @fulviomartuscie for standing for the truth and supporting women’s rights as well as minorities rights in #Yemen mainly the Jews and the Bahá’ís persecuted by #theHouthis . #plenarysession #EU #YemenCantWait #stopviolenceagainstwomen #Bahai #stopantisemitism

In December 2020, Fulvio received €145,000 arranged and paid in cash via Saudi Embassy to launch a campaign in support of Ahwaz Arab minority in Iran. Again, Manel was seen publicising the campaign and tweeting the activities.

She added:

Today with Mep @fulviomartuscie in a press conference to support the Ahwazi leaders and raise awareness regarding human rights issue in #iran as well as send a message of solidarity and unity between the EU and the oppressed minorities of the region #Freedom #HumanRights #EU

In October 2020 Fulvio Martusciello MEP hosted an online conference featuring Saudi, Bahraini, Emirati and other arab activist to support peace in the Middle East. Funny enough, Fulvio never spoke of peace in hot spots across the world except in support of Israel and Saudi Arabia. The funding of this event was not from Saudi Arabia but was allocated by United Arab Embassy in Brussels. The event cost was exclusively paid to Manel and her business partner Fulvio Martusciello MEP. Our source confirm that the embassy paid more than €90,000 for online events to promote its peace plans with Israel.

For the very first time a webinar with Arab ,European and Israeli high level speakers host by Mep @fulviomartuscie to tackle the issue of peace and Security in the Middle East and #Iran’s threat as well as the #peacedeal. Thank you @naserazizkh for transmitting the event live

Fulvio Martusciello MEP of Naples, often described as ignorant MEP with Mafia links, was invited to speak on Saudi funded TV on December 2020. And as seen always, his PR like agent Manel Msalmi promoted his tweets and TV appearance. The appearance was part of the Saudi campaign against Iran in brussels. Fulvio was also paid for this event.

@naserazizkh Special thanks to Mep @fulviomartuscie who was live on #AhwaznaTV on Christmas Eve to speak about the #EUdelegation to #Danemark and show his support and solidarity to the Ahwazi people and activists who face injustices from the #iranianregime #HumanRightsDefenders

Check out the press release by @EPPGroup following Mep @fulviomartuscie visit to the detention center inwhich the Ahwazi leaders are detained to show support and solidarity to the Ahwazi cause against the injustices of the Iranian regime #HumanRights #EU…

Shortly after that Manel shared another tweet with a statement from EPP Group sponsored by Fulvio against Iran.

One more tweet confirm how Manel is paid by Saudis to use and recruit Fulvio. Fulvio did some work in plenary session of 2021 of the European Parliament in Strasbourg and called for immediate action to protect Yemeni women from Houthis not Saudi Arabia. He did not say a single word on women being killed by the saudi air raids happening daily. He did not issue a single statement to condemn the oppression of Saudi Women or the theft of their freedoms. Our source confirm that the rate of such statements issued by Fulvio Martusciello MEP is fixed and not negotiable at €35,000.

Who evoked the Violence inflicted upon women by the Houthis in Yemen in the last plenary session of 2021 of the European Parliament in Strasbourg and called for immediate action #EU #EndViolenceAgainstWomen #stopiran #Yemen

Martusciello of Forza party spared no chance but used in order to make money including taking Manel Msalmi to Italian parliament. Fulvio was also paid 50,000 to make such event. Manel did also earn considerable payment of €24,000. Manel did some tweets: Honoured to be cited in this article as a participant in this huge gathering with italian political leaders. Special thanks to Mep @fulviomartuscie for making it happen and for his support to the Ahwazi cause and to the minorities in Iran #humanrights #EU #italy #EPP #iran

She also tweeted Ho l’onore e il piacere di parlare al Senato italiano a Roma sulla convivenza, la lotta contro l’estremismo religioso e la tolleranza in Europa e nel Maghreb. Ringrazio i senatori italiani, il gruppo @ForzaItalia e il Mep @fulviomartusciello per l’invitazione #Brussels #Rome #EU

@naserazizkh @realEliHazan @bilarakib @Ruth_Ioanna @JamalBahrain Find out my article following our webinar organised yesterday at the European Parliament from 4to 6 p.m with high level speakers from Israel and the Arab world host by Mep @fulviomartuscie



European Parliament Files

Anti Corruption Whistleblower in Brussels. We aim to fight corruption and expose criminal politicians and MEPs. I’m also a blogger and investigative Journalist