Everything You Need to Know to Create a Portfolio (that makes clients want to hire you)

Karen Maina
4 min readNov 13, 2023


How can you build a freelance writing portfolio even with no previous writing experience?

A woman creating an online portfolio while taking coffee
All images are attributed to pexels.com

After choosing a niche the next thing on your list should be building a portfolio.

To build a portfolio that makes clients want to hire you there are three things that you must have in mind.

  1. What is important to your target client?
  2. Is it easy to share with potential clients?
  3. Does the portfolio show your expertise?

In this article, we shall look at all the things you need to build your portfolio and start getting those clients!

What to Write About

Choosing a niche before creating your portfolio makes life easy for you.

If you are a complete beginner with no previous work you can focus on writing articles within your niche. You should have a minimum of 3 items in your portfolio to start with.

The easiest way to build a portfolio is to create 3 fictional clients and write articles with their business in mind. Just because these are fictional clients we may find ourselves not putting our best forward. However, this needs to be your best work. Ensure you create detailed and well-researched articles.

The second is to look for publications within your niche that accept unsolicited work and write for them. This is a great way to kill three birds with one stone; you create a portfolio, get paid, and gain exposure.

Another method that is very close to publications is guest posting. The only difference is that with guest posting there is no payment involved. However, you gain the confidence of having someone edit your work and post it on their website. You also get a bi-line and link to your website (if you have one). This may also expose you to new clients, great right?

Where to Host Your Portfolio

A lady seated at a desk working on canva designs
Canva actually has a portfolio-building feature

I wouldn't waste a lot of time on this at the beginning. A simple Google Drive folder will do. Add all your edited and proofread Google documents to it and share a link with viewing rights only.

Medium is another great place to host your portfolio. You can write your articles on it and share your profile or individual articles. Ensure to add a simple but concise profile description of what you do. For example; A Finance B2B writer focused on banking and emerging markets. I create blog articles, white papers, and case studies.

Content marketplaces such as Contently and Ndash can also be used as a portfolio. The best part is you can get some great clients on these sites while using your profile on them as a portfolio.

The last and possibly best option is your own website. I always advise new writers not to be discouraged if they are not in a position to create a website immediately however if you are serious about a career in freelance then this is an investment you need to make. A simple website on Wix, or Squarespace should suffice. You may also decide to build one from scratch depending on your technical skills.

Segment Your Work

It is important with time to build a wide array of samples that a client that peruse. Depending on the services you offer include different types of writing such as email marketing copy, white papers, case studies, landing pages, and more.

Segment these to make it easy for potential clients to pick what they need. This is as simple as having one main portfolio folder on Google Drive with small folders for different items.

The number one secret to success in this business is to keep it simple and keep it moving.

Add Social Proof and Testimonials

When you start getting paid clients, make testimonials and social proof a priority. Get written and signed references from previous clients.

Include some statements of testimonial on your website (always get consent first). This will build trust with new clients. In the same way, that you have referees on your resume, get referees for your business.

Make it Easy for Clients to Reach Out to You

Always have contact details or a way for potential clients to reach you. There is nothing as unfortunate as a potential customer loving your work and having no way to reach you.

Include social media links especially LinkedIn, and email addresses on your documents. If you have a website have a Contact Me page.



Karen Maina

A digital marketing, SaaS, and Cannabis copywriter. Founder of Creative Mama. A philosopher, herbs enthusiast, yoga and spirituality practitioner & farmer.