OMA Jussieu — Two Libraries (Wood Model)

Karen Ding
4 min readAug 28, 2017


Jussieu — Two Libraries (1992)

OMA uses the techniques to change and innovative floor and structures. The office for Metropolitan Architecture is OMA’s full name, a Dutch architectural firm based in Rotterdam. It is founded in 1975 by Rem Koolhaas who is from Dutch architect with his 4 partners. I choose the OMA for the architecture and made my model. The technique of slabs and columns and it have spatial loops.


Draft 1

This is my first process of the model. I used the white cardboards and cut them, then it become four levels. It consists of six sticks. I just put four cardboards together, showing a sense of hierarchy, and there is a certain spaces distance.

Daft 2

In draft 2, I cut two stairs add to my model. But. I think this model have some problems, because the stairs and the following wood is broken, there is no good connection it have the stairs connect with the below the floor.

Draft 3

This is my third draft, I showed the relationship between its layers. The fold between the space for the floor. I shoot this angle is a clear view of the stair and stairs between the relationship and space.

Draft 4

In the draft 4, I did each level of my model still with white cardboards. I cut the stairs from the middle of the cardboard. I also used a different shape to cut the second floor of the stairs, it looks like a triangular. At last I used a white cardboard to fix the buiding.

Draft 5

In the draft 5, I changed the cardboards for different colors to express the building. I used the orange. There is a sense of gradual change, and orange symbolize the vitality, giving a pleasing feeling. I try to show the different shapes of the stairs and the level of the space.


This is my final work, I used a lot of wooden sticks as columns and uses boards to create the slabs. My building like a library or shopping mall. The library is suitable for students, and most of the shopping mall is suitable for the fashion crowd. It can attract more customers to buy something. The building have five levels. Each layer is folded between each layer. For the first level, it is connected with the second level through the stairs. It has a direction towards the stairs to go to the next level. On the top level, the staircase is a spinning cycle and it is so strong that whole building looks beautiful. The wood blocks represent the rest area.


This library building form a single trajectory and pass through the entire building. OMA presents this building by showing the library inside and outside. Rem Koolhaas take on architectural theory and the conceptual apparatus he employs. His vision of urbanism and the contemporary city. His design is how to bend the board, and those only horizontal level of the building structure, he wants to break these routine. Let these blandly structures have new innovations taht allow students have a postive attitude to study and have efficient. OMA is the type of building structure used to the stacked on a symmetrical layout and connect each layer to a different floor. Each layer of space can be seen more clearly. Most of the model material is made of wood. He relies on the visual appearance of his own building and tactile immediacy. He refuted his students among the many collaborators in each of his projects. Rem Koohlaas building tended towards insubstantiality as well as a denial of proper structural distinctions. Rather than a modernist way to reduce,but the proper and expected by continually frustrating. So that his way of construction is novel, innovative, and is a positive technique and skill applied in this building.


Jussieu — Two Libraries (1992):

Koolhaas, R. 2003, ‘Considering Rem Koolhaas and the Office for Metropolitan Architecture: What is OMA’, NAI publishers in Rotterdam.

