3200 hours

KSD (aka Karen Schulman Dupuis)
3 min readDec 14, 2014

About 10 years ago, my husband and I ended up hosting a family friendly, impromptu New Year’s Eve party in our home. We had friends with kids, friends with no kids, and friends of friends just pop in and out throughout the night, and our annual event was born. During that first annual, a friend of friend and I were chatting in the library and he asked what I did for a living…

“Oh, I’m a Business Analyst for a large telecom company,” I responded.

“You know that means absolutely nothing, right?” he replied.

“Oh, I know that,” I surprised him (I think) with my response, “but I define the value of what I do by the fact that I make other people’s lives happier. The work I’m doing 9 to 5 doesn’t make the world a better place, but I make the work day better for the 200+ people that I support each and every day. And when their day is better, their experience with their customers, and therefore my company is better, and the health of my company continues, and we all get bonuses at the end of the year.”

He practically fell over himself to apologize and mitigate the insult of the way he responded to how I spent my 2500 hours a year.

2500 hours.

That’s the average number of hours that a 9to5er works in a year.



KSD (aka Karen Schulman Dupuis)

Business Designer. Connector. Shift Disturber. Intrapreneur. Speaker. Teacher. Elephant Hunter. Polymath. @karensd http://www.womendisrupted.com