How to Save $75 a Month on Groceries with Store Brands

Discover how to pinch pennies with store brands! Dive into clever tips and personal tales for saving $75 on groceries — your wallet will thank you!

Karen Snow
8 min read8 hours ago

How to Save $75 a Month on Groceries with Store Brands

When I first noticed how my grocery bills crept up every month, I had a minor existential crisis. I mean, how on earth could I have managed to spend so much on groceries? After a bit of soul-searching, I decided that maybe, just maybe, it was time to reassess my shopping habits. So, I rolled up my sleeves, opened my eyes to the world of store brands, and set out on a quest to save a cool $75 a month. Spoiler alert: it worked!

What Are Store Brands?

Now, for those of you who might be scratching your heads, let’s talk store brands. They’re often called generic, private label, or off-brand products created by grocery retailers. These brands typically feature unassuming packaging and often offer similar products to more famous name brands at a fraction of the price. In my case, it felt like opening a treasure chest — who knew I could find quality for less?

While some folks might turn their noses up at these humble offerings, I discovered that store brands frequently hold their own against the big names in taste and quality. I mean, think about it: who decided that a simple box of corn flakes should be a luxury item?

Why Even Consider Store Brands?

I know, I know! “Why should I bother with store brands?” you might be asking. Honestly, my journey into the supermarket’s underbelly revealed some eye-opening truths. For starters, the price point is usually much more appealing. Store brands skip out on fancy marketing campaigns, and guess what? Those savings get passed on to us, the savvy shoppers.

Additionally, the taste is often surprisingly delightful. In my shopping adventures, I’ve come across several store brand items that have left me scratching my head, wondering why I hadn’t made the switch sooner. Sometimes, the only difference I can see is the price tag!

Create a Grocery Budget

Now, before I could even start enjoying the savings from store brands, I realized I needed to master my grocery budget first. I took a long, hard look at my spending habits and decided to create a budget. I grabbed a notebook (because it’s more personal), and I started jotting down everything I had been buying.

Setting a monthly grocery budget helped clarify what I was spending and what I could afford. As I calculated my expenses, I realized I had been treating my grocery trips like a free-for-all — no wonder I didn’t have a grasp on my spending!

Once I pinpointed how much I typically spent each month, I set a target: $300 — well, originally $375, but I thought $75 sounded like a good challenge. I had to ask myself, “Can you really save $75?” Spoiler alert: yes, I could. But I needed a plan to make it happen!

List, List, List

Oh boy, I cannot stress this enough: lists changed my life. I formulated a grocery list each week based on my meal planning. This way, I avoided impulsive purchases that could bog me down. I also found it helpful to categorize items by section, like produce, dairy, and canned goods. Sometimes I felt like a grocery ninja, zooming through different aisles with the effectiveness of a seasoned pro.

By sticking to my list, I was less tempted to veer off course and nab those flashy brand-name items. Yes, the ones that whispered sweet nothings to my taste buds from the top shelf. “You only live once!” they cried. But that vintage ad campaign featuring a cartoon character with a dollar sign in its eyes made me think twice.

Research Store Brands

Now that I had a budget and a list, I decided it would be a good idea to research store brands ahead of time. That meant swiping my phone and engaging in some serious comparison shopping. I combed through online reviews, checked out blogs, and even sought advice from acquaintances with a knack for grocery wisdom.

In my exploration, I uncovered the identity of various store brands and discovered the surprising number of grocery stores that roll out their own offerings. National chains might carry generic lines while also featuring regional and local brands. I learned that some store brand products are even made by well-known companies, so when I grabbed a jar off the shelf, I was sometimes buying the same thing as the big name down the aisle.

What a revelation! If I could replicate the flavor of my beloved name-brand snacks for half the price, why on earth would I continue giving my dollars away?

Taste Testing

What would a trip to the store be without a taste-test extravaganza? I’ve gotten into the exciting habit of buying a couple of store-brand variations of the items on my list, especially for staples like pasta, rice, and snacks. My kitchen turned into a mini lab, complete with paper plates and a all-too-serious judging panel (my roommates, bless their hearts).

My unscientific conclusion? If I could get my friends to join in on the grocery-skimping fun, even better! We tried various store brand products side-by-side with their name-brand counterparts. Sometimes, the results were laugh-out-loud hilarious, with one of my friends dramatically declaring a store brand choice the “clear winner” after a passionate tasting session.

The act of comparing gave me confidence that I was making the right choice. Would I believe it if you told me that a store-brand pizza could rival a well-known delivery chain? Of course not! But boy, was I in for a surprise.

Explore All Aisles

I’m going to let you in on a little secret: when I first started exploring store brands, I was a creature of habit. I stuck to my comfort zone, flitting through the aisles of my usual favorites. But, as soon as I expanded my horizons and explored every nook and cranny of the grocery store, my savings really started to add up.

Imagine sauntering down the spice aisle for the first time and discovering a plethora of fantastic store-brand options at a fraction of the price. I found exclusive blends that quickly became kitchen staples, giving my meals a burst of flavor without breaking the bank.

Another example? Snacks. Oh my, the snacks. In my first foray into the cookie lane, I stumbled across some store-brand cookies that had my taste buds dancing with glee. Actually, skipping a snack aisle like that is no longer an option for me. I became the proud owner of secret foodie knowledge!

Keep an Eye on Sales and Promotions

Once I gained some confidence experimenting with store brands, I quickly learned that pairing those opportunities with sales and promotions leveled up my savings even more. I began scouting weekly sales flyers and apps that allowed me to see what was on the docket for the week.

When that ad hit my inbox, I would eagerly rip it open, searching for store-brand items on sale that week. Click, click, click, I’d navigate my way into apps that boast digital coupons. I felt like a detective piecing together clues to uncover thrilling savings.

Not so long ago, I snagged a hefty discount on a store-brand cereal, bringing my pantry’s stock up to “just in case” levels. Moments like these made me feel like a shopping superhero: saving money while feeling like I’d won the grocery lottery.

Don’t Shy Away from Bulk Buying

Let’s chat about bulk buying. Initially, the very thought of it sent shivers down my spine. I envisioned towering bags of rice spilling out of my pantry, ready to invade my living space. But once I got over that initial dread, I saw the possibilities.

Many store brand items are also available in larger sizes. The beauty of bulk buying is that I could stock up on essentials — think flour, oats, and grits — without repeatedly splurging each month. Plus, as they say, “fewer trips to the store, more time for binge-watching Netflix.” I started feeling like a behind-the-scenes hero, controlling my pantry like the master chef I aspired to be.

I embraced this new strategy and realized I was saving way more than just a few dollars. Let’s be honest: who wouldn’t want to feel like they’re running their own grocery empire?

Get Creative with Leftovers

I turned into a leftover enthusiast. I know it might sound like a “convenient excuse” to avoid cooking, but bear with me! I’ve found that using leftovers in inventive ways not only made my food stretch further, but it also helped keep my meals exciting while making every cent count.

For instance, leftover grilled chicken transformed into a zesty chicken salad, while nearly-empty jars of sauces became eclectic marinades for any impromptu dinner. I even discovered that leftover pizza could be a breakfast game-changer — hello, pizza omelets!

By creatively reinventing what I already had, I cut back on unnecessary purchases, which left me with more room in my budget to explore store brands even further. After all, who doesn’t feel like a culinary magician when innovating leftover meals?

Keep it Simple

As I continued my quest for frugality with store brands, one crucial lesson struck me: simplicity is key. I found that sticking to basic recipes made my shopping experience far less stressful, not to mention gave me the chance to shine a light on the store brand ingredients I cherished.

One-pot meals became my best friend, as I tossed a handful of vegetables, store brand pasta, and a jar of sauce into one pan and let it bubble away, filling my kitchen with a comforting aroma. Or consider a simple quinoa salad, using a mix of store brand veggies and a homemade vinaigrette that left my friends clamoring for the recipe.

Embracing this no-fuss approach not only cut my bills down to size, but it made cooking enjoyable again — a rare feat for someone who sometimes found herself gazing into the refrigerator in a daze.

Be Patient and Consistent

As with any worth-while endeavor, I learned that saving money through store brands required patience and a commitment to consistency. Change didn’t happen overnight. There were hiccups, such as the occasional impulse buy or the rogue name-brand snack that somehow made its way into my cart when I turned my back.

But with every trip, I kept in mind the initial goal of saving $75 a month. I stayed focused on tracking my expenditures and made renewing my grocery budget a priority. Slowly but surely, I noticed the cumulative effects of my little changes.

In the long run, the patience paid off, particularly when the monthly bills dropped significantly. Sometimes, I stood in my kitchen and cackled with glee when I calculated my savings — not to mention the newly joyful relationship I had built with store brands.

My Final Thoughts

Embarking on this journey to save money on groceries with store brands has been eye-opening and enjoyable. Adopting new habits such as creating a grocery budget, discovering the treasures hidden within bulk buying, and embracing leftovers transformed my grocery shopping experience.

Plus, who would’ve thought I could build my very own pantry kingdom, all while snatching up quality products for far less than those snazzy name brands? I’ve become not only a savvier shopper but also a culinary adventurer within my own four walls.

Whether you’re cautiously considering a switch to store brands or you’re diving straight in, I encourage you to give it a go. Your wallet will thank you, and who knows — you might just stumble upon a hidden gem that becomes a permanent part of your grocery lineup.

If you enjoyed my grocery adventures, feel free to clap for this article, leave a comment, and subscribe to my Medium newsletter for more updates. Happy shopping, friends!

