Is Instagram a good thing?

If you’re a business with millennials as target group — yes

Kari Fjeld


For beauty and fashion brands, engagement and interactions are higher on Instagram compared to any other platform. —

Instagram used to be a platform I mainly used for following friends and family, but now it’s a platforms I personally use for inspiration when it comes to fitness, design, fashion, beauty etc. It’s the first place I go to find inspiration for what to make for dinner, and of course I also follow my favorite brands in fashion and beauty. 80% of users also follow brands and businesses on Instagram. This gives brands the possibility to be where their customers are, since there are 700 million active users on Instagram (source).

Screenshot: byfigmenta on Instagram

Instagram is making it easier for businesses to connect to new and current customers where they are — on Instagram.

Instagram is constantly developing and improving, and is highly used as a marketing platform, for inspiration, as a trendsetter and now with the latest update; it allows you to shop directly through the app, not having to go to the link in bio. The business tool for Instagram also allows businesses to access analytics and insight after connecting the profile to their Facebook page.

Even though brands should be active on Instagram, the highest engagement on Instagram is through influencers. They know their followers, and know how to create engagement. As written in my previous post, millennials don’t trust brands and celebrities as much as they trust micro-influencers. On the other hand when comparing Instagram to Facebook when brands grow their number of followers, “there was no negative correlation between how many people follow a brand and how many people engage with it.”- But, no matter how many followers your brand has; user-generated content is more important than ever. UGC even has a 4.5% Higher Conversion Rate (source). I’m a millennial myself, and I know how important it is to have a personal approach with followers when creating engagement. Even though Instagram is mainly a photo-based application, the written caption is also important to keep in mind in order to create more engagement, get more likes and comments. There seems to be a lot of “rules” when it comes to posting on Instagram, but as this article says, engagement is key..

“For beauty and fashion brands, engagement and interactions are higher on Instagram compared to any other platform”- This study shows that 65% of top performing Instagram posts feature products, and photos with faces get 38% more likes than those without. So, beauty profiles should get a high amount of likes since they post both pictures of faces and of products?! There’s also an analysis done on Instagram showing that 65% of users follow fashion/beauty/lifestyle profiles for inspiration.The same study says that “over half of women who use Instagram, use the platform to look for beauty ideas when they have a special occasion coming up”. Weather Instagram is good or bad is an interesting topic, with no real solution. But, looking at the statistics in this article; brands focusing on beauty is trending and should be a top priority for the brand.

Need help with your social media marketing? Figmenta is an agency specialized in communicating beauty, healthcare and lifestyle brands. Contact us directly by clicking here.

