© Kari Kuukka 2020

Dreams Lost

Kari Kuukka
1 min readJan 12, 2020

There was nothing held back, you were choosing your own steps, following your own path.

You had your own dreams — a vision of yourself, of your life.

The eyes looking at the world, sharp, eager to see and learn. To develop further. Openness to experience, the willingness to explore. Curious and open mind, ready to embrace the unknown.

You were courageous, willing to take risks. Truly ready to encounter everything, to see with your own eyes. To live as no had done before and nobody would dare to do thereafter.

To create a life you could proudly call your own.

What ever happened?

My writings and images here are musings, art, sketches, poetry, fiction, non-fiction… basically very personal pieces and should be seen as such — my professional writings can be found elsewhere.

If you like my scribbles, please give it a clap or two, three…(or ten, fifty) below — see the hands-symbol? — as it means a lot to me and it is really, really rewarding to see people read — maybe even appreciate what you are trying to say.

Then again, if you consider this utter trash… don’t.



Kari Kuukka

Professional photographer, passionate about visual storytelling, languages, psychology, relationships, kayaking, sailing... life, in short.