Emigration to Austria: how to learn German?

Karina Brechko
5 min readJan 18, 2024


Should you take integration German courses at the ÖIF or learn German by yourself? Where may you find online German lessons? Is it possible to learn German online for free from zero? Read the answers to similar questions from those who became immigrants in Austria in the 3rd essay by the emigrant.
The Russian version is here.

Photo Karina Brechko

ÖIF and German integration courses

I never considered learning this language before arriving in Austria in March 2022. However, here I had to take it on. Then it seemed that I could not master it at all. And yet, I studied German at least a little bit on my own every day.

As I wrote earlier, my first experience with ÖIF courses was unsuccessful. Because of this, later I hesitated for a long time to go to them, because I was not sure that I would find ones where I would study comfortably. In the Autumn of 2022, I nevertheless enrolled in the ÖIF (A1) short course with an individual approach and completed it. For this, I again thank Frau Gabriele Cloos, director of the Institute “Sprache und Kultur” in Graz.

While studying on the course, I made several conclusions:
1. It is easier for beginners to learn a foreign language when taught in their native language (or understandable to the students). Otherwise, the teacher talks loudly to himself during the lesson in the presence of people who understand almost nothing. And the experience of many of my compatriots shows that the results from such training are low.

2. The number of hours per day/week allocated to the course should be comfortable for the student. Multi-hour intensive courses are not for everyone. I have to choose other training programs.

3. Group training is also not suitable for everyone. It’s easier and more effective for me to study on my own or individually with a native speaker or teacher. And the lesson plan should be adapted to my capabilities and goals. (I am a night owl; it is more convenient for me to study in the evening).

And it’s also important to find “your teacher”. Fortunately, there are many good lessons and talented teachers on the Internet. Thanks to timely conclusions and subsequent actions, German became more understandable and interesting for me.

Where to start learning German?

For a good result, you would definitely have to start not with a textbook or courses, but with questions to yourself. For example, from these:

1. What for should I learn the German language?
2. How much time can/will I devote to classes per day/week?
3. How do I want to study German: in courses, individually with a teacher, or on my own?
4. What level of language knowledge do I need as a minimum, and within what time frame?
5. How will I know that I have learned German to the desired level?

It will be more convenient for you to write down the answers and think about them for another 2–3 days. This will help you better understand yourself, your goals, and most importantly, really assess your capabilities.

We have already found out that you can find a job in Austria without knowing the language; I wrote about this in the 2nd essay on emigration. However, such options do not work for everyone, and therefore you should answer the questions as honestly as possible. And after that, you will understand what and how to do next.

For myself, I chose the goal of passing the ÖIF integration exam at level B1. I will write a separate article about how I prepared for it later.

German language learning plan

From the answer to the 3rd question in the list above, it will become clear whether it is necessary to register with the ÖIF for German integration courses. You can also look for other German courses in Austria, or an individual teacher, or study yourself.

An action plan will be useful in any case, and when learning a language on your own, it is just necessary. You may look for tips on the Internet, and even take them as a basis. And yet, it’s better to make your own German learning plan that’s right for you.

I have seen how important this is from my own experience of many years of studying English. Having tried many different methods on myself, I came to the conclusion that not all of them suit me. Some methods or tools do not produce results but only take energy, time, and money. Some help you move forward, but it’s hard and takes a long time, despite all your efforts. Especially if you, like me, are not a polyglot from birth, and new languages are not easy for you, you have to master them with systematic persistence.

Learning a foreign language is a very individual path. In the process of practical testing of different language learning methods, it is worth highlighting everything that personally gives you maximum results. That is, to notice when learning a new language is easier, more convenient, and faster for you. And in the future use these methods or tools as the basis for improving your level of proficiency in a foreign language.

In addition, it is worth studying with a teacher whose explanations are clear and interesting to you. And it doesn’t matter whether it’s individual lessons or YouTube videos. And choose all additional manuals on topics that interest you. These may be materials related to professional activities or hobbies. And then the most effective path, rhythm, and duration of classes are built.

Thanks to my plan, self-study, and perseverance, in September 2023 I passed the ÖIF integration exam and received a certificate of knowledge of German at level B1.

You could make an appointment for a consultation here.

Free German lessons online at levels A1-C2

In addition to the links that I gave in the previous essay, I will add a few more:

Inspiration and success to you. To be continued.

Read “How to live in Austria without knowing German?
Read “
ÖIF exam in Austria: why take it and how to prepare?

Emigration to Austria: experience, conclusions, and recommendations (the series of essays).



Karina Brechko

Project manager, Training Specialist, Coach, Life researcher. Read and follow me here & on https://t.me/lifedesignkb & https://twitter.com/karilifedesign