Photo by Karina Brechko

Karina Brechko: education, activities, life

Karina Brechko
3 min readJan 11, 2024

Greetings, dear guest!
I am a project manager, coach, writer, photographer, designer, and artist. I have been conducting professional activities for many years under my real name, as well as under a pseudonym. Let’s get acquainted.
Russian version read here.

Essential facts about me:
Once upon a time, I began a personal project of life research through coaching, writing, photography, and drawing. I publish my observations, thoughts, and conclusions online, in books and articles.

Design for me is first and foremost the plan and structuring of whatever we intend to create physically, visually, or virtually. From experience, I know that the structure:
+ clarifies meanings;
+ makes guidelines, vision, picture of what is desired or goal clearer;
+ optimizes resources (time, effort, money, etc.).

After moving to Austria from Ukraine in 2022, I became an emigrant. I had to start my life over and learn German from zero. My professional experience as a coach and manager was very useful in this. Many tools and methods that I had mastered earlier helped me not only to find support in conditions of complete uncertainty but also to adapt to a new country. And besides this, I use your knowledge and skills to help people.

This blog is a space where I write about my experiences, events, and results for those who seek to change their lives and accept responsibility for the consequences of their own decisions.

Follow me here, read helpful materials, and put them into practice.
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Education (selected):

2004–2010 — Master degree, specialty “Management of Organizations”, qualification “Manager-Economist”, confirmed by the IES certificate (London). (Studied management, marketing, business planning, finance, economics, sociology, cultural studies, psychology, personnel management, etc.)

Certificates (selected):
• 2022 — “Curatorial Lessons”, Educational program of the Association “Curatorial Education”. Graz, Austria.

• 2021 — “Project Management in IT”, online course of the Swedish-Ukrainian program at Beetroot Academy.

• 2022 — Training for facilitators of the training game “Conflict Curve” from the Ukrainian Network for Adult Education and Innovation Development in partnership with the German organization “Comparative Research Network EV” (Kharkiv).

• 2020 — Effective communication and public speaking skills in business, training from the Sumy Business Support Center with the participation of the EBRD (2020).

• 2019 — “School of cultural management for the literary and publishing sector”, training from the Ukrainian Cultural Foundation and the Ukrainian Association for Adult Education (Sumy).

• 2018 — Training for trainers on social entrepreneurship. 8 months of theory and practice. International program from the Eastern Europe Foundation and the German Public Organization ChildFund Deutschland e.V. (Kyiv).

• 2017 — “Solutions for frequently encountered problems in recruitment and staff engagement”, seminar from the WISE Ukraine Businessmen’s Club (Kyiv).

• 2012 — Coaching School of the “Academy of Real Success” N. Latansky (Kyiv).

Language skills:

Russian — C2 * Ukrainian — C1 * German — B1 * English — B2.

You could make an appointment for a free consultation here.

Publications (selected):

• 2022 — “Social Innovation in Austria and Ukraine.” On the Social Business Hub Styria website. 29.11.22.

• 2022 — “What the training at the Project Management in IT course gave me” for Beetroot Academy. 08.04.2022.

• 2018 — The article «Социальное предпринимательство — миф или тренд?» (“Is social entrepreneurship a myth or a trend?”) has been published in a newspaper “Trudovaya slava,” 15 (2370), 5.

• 2017 «Легко ли делать добро?» (“Is it easy to do good?”) A newspaper “Trudovaya slava”, 26 (2329), 6.

• 2014 • «Первое впечатление — замечательное!» (“The first impression is wonderful!”) A newspaper “Trudovaya slava”, 15 (2162), 6.

• 2011 — The article «Ромео и Жасмин» (“Romeo and Jasmine.”) A newspaper “Trudovaya slava”, 17 (2008), 6.

• 2008— The article «Искренне благодарю» (“Sincere thanks”) A newspaper “Trudovaya slava”, 47 (1789), 6.

Laureate of the International Multi-Level Award de Richelieu-2018 within the framework of the cultural project “Save and Preserve”. Diploma “Diamond Duke” in the nomination “International socio-cultural, charitable projects” for the creation of the Charitable Foundation “Scientific Heritage” (Ukrainian “Naukova Spadshchina”.)

You could make an appointment for a free consultation here.



Karina Brechko

Project manager, Training Specialist, Coach, Life researcher. Read and follow me here & on &