Today, I’m just gonna hit publish

2 min readMay 3, 2024


That’s it.

Just getting back on track.

Just a few reps.

To get back in the mindset, and identity of a writer.

Alin Dragu motivated me to do it

So how to identify as a writer ?

Just write, and publish, something, on a consistent basis.

I guess, ideally, every day.

Although that can be scary commitment.

What if I miss a day ?

What if I don’t wanna do it that day ?

But as you can see.

If you just write how you are feeling, in the moment.

Something simple, relatable.

Then it’s not that hard.

It doesn’t have to be a masterpiece.

It doesn’t even have to be for others.

You enjoy writing, but you don’t like the pressure and the expectations that comes with it.

What are they gonna think of my article ?

Am I supposed to write a big, long, life-changing article, every time ?

No. That’s the point. You don’t. You just have to write.

What if I don’t enjoy it anymore ?

Fine! Then just say, “Today, I don’t wanna write.”

And write that.

That’s it.

Who knows, you may end up finishing something you like. Something simple.

You may end up enjoying a few minutes of careless, free writing.

See, it wasn’t that hard, was it ?

Cheers to your writing




Software engineer, thinker, and creator. I share what I learned this last 10 years, in the field of consciousness applied to personal growth and business.