The importance of Focus Time at work

Karin Haberleithner
2 min readApr 23, 2020


Focus time means that employees can use dedicated time blocks of their working time to focus on one task entirely. During that time chat platforms, phones, email programs and other communication possibilities are muted or turned off. Such an approach is essential for more productivity and efficiency.

With the increased need for remote work, a lot of companies started to implement new rules to gain more control over employees. Such as strict response times for chats or emails. These rules collide with the essence of focus time.

It is worth to reconsider such rules due to huge advantages which come if companies allow their employees to have time for focus.

Advantages of focus time

Focus time increases, among other things, productivity, quality and efficiency. Apart from that, it also reduces stress. It is the foundations to get into a flow state which can result in deep learning and high levels of personal and work satisfaction.


Focus time can only happen if the following prerequisites are met:

  • Acceptance:

A company needs to accept and allow focus times. Rules such as response times should be reconsidered and removed.

  • Respect:

Respect the fact that employees have very individual preferences and productive working hours. To set predefined focus time blocks for employees will lead to frustration and demotivation. Let them choose their work and focus times and respect them.

  • Trust:

Trust your employees and colleagues that they use their time well spent, and that focus times will not be misused.

  • Focus on Results:

By focusing on results, trust and commitment will increase naturally. In order to achieve the change from strict working hours and response times towards a more flexible approach, regular planning and sync meetings are an excellent way to start. For more information about that topic, read here:

Talk about it

It is crucial to align and clarify expectations with your colleagues before using focus time. Talk about preferences, needs, expectations and personal situations. Only with a common understanding and no room for assumptions or wrong expectations, a good togetherness can happen, and the benefits of focus time can unfold.

Do not hesitate to contact me if you are ready to get even more inspired and become a Pioneer!

I am a Business Agile Coach, and my purpose is it to make a difference for employees and inspire companies to become purposeful, exciting and successful. I believe that every company can accomplish outstanding achievements and create exceptional work experience for its employees.



Karin Haberleithner

I am a Business Agile Coach and my purpose is it to make a difference for employees and inspire companies to become purposeful, exciting and successful