Women in Digital Technology

Karina Pulido
3 min readDec 7, 2021


When it comes to technology it is used variously as well as being very broad. This can be from the creation of railroads, tv, and so forth. Technology surrounds us every day and is being constantly used through time and throughout this time it is becoming more advanced. This sparks an interest to those who are curious about the concept that not only men have attempted their work with technology, but women as well. Women have had a big impact on technology, overcoming obstacles some have encountered to generate their new products. There are some women who have made a big impact but there are also women who changed the tech world completely. Their work is fairly known due to the great impact they have had throughout the history of the invention of tools and techniques.

Hedy Lamarr (1914–2000) is the first person to discover an important precursor and didn’t necessarily create Wi-Fi. She was a self-taught inventor as well as an American actress. At the beginning of World War II, she and composer George Antheil expanded a radio guidance system for Allied torpedoes that used spread spectrum and frequency hopping technology to defeat the threat of jamming by the Axis powers.

Hedy Lamarr photo “colorization” by Jesser (1940)

Annie Easley (1933–2011) an American computer scientist, mathematician, and rocket scientist. With these occupations under her belt, she had worked for the Lewis Research Center and NASA also. Easley was one of the first African Americans to work at NASA. Her work with the Centaur project helped lay the technological foundations for future space shuttle launches and launches of communication, military, and weather satellites.

Annie Easley by NASA

Kike Oniwide (1992 — present) had lived in East London with her brothers and mother. While maintaining great grades and mastering her degree Management she also competed in javelin for Havering Athletics Club. In a more focused matter, she is the co-founder of BYP Network. BYP Network also known as ‘the LinkedIn for black professionals’ is a platform that connects Black professionals with each other and corporations. “Being a woman in tech means breaking barriers so that those who come after me won’t have to struggle the same way. It means showing the world my ability and believing in myself wholeheartedly”, says Kike.

Kike Oniwide by Espect

These are just a few of the women who have changed tech through history and currently. The list of women in tech continues and as time moves forward there will be many more. Digital media/tech offers a variety of opportunities for female empowerment and for a more equal female participation in labor markets, financial markets, and entrepreneurship. Their ideas and creativity have a major impact in society, creating a movement that women once had no idea they could establish. Knowing that these women had the determination as well as taking initiative, gives other women who are interested in the tech industry the motivational push to over come obstacles. The barriers that are given are nothing compared to the power women hold to do whatever we put our mind to, and these women most certainly did that.

