Neurotech x Sports

A combination of the two things I love the most

Karina Grace
8 min readFeb 13, 2024

“Great things come from hard work and perseverance . No excuses “— Kobe Bryant

The Legend : Kobe Bryant

Athletes have always held a special place in my heart, earning my utmost respect for their courage to pursue their passion professionally. It’s a journey that demands not just physical strength but also determination and mental strength. Even though we see many successful athletes would any of us dare to take it up professionally ?? If I am being very frank the only reason I played sports was because my parents wanted me to do sports and I thought it would look good in my college resume . I did not expect the basketball court to have a grip on me and play such an important part in my life . It has taught me the art of perseverance and discipline . Being a sceince nerd I was thinking about the possibilities of solving major problems faced by athletes using Neuroscience . So I ended up thinking about what if …… Neurotech x Basketball was a thing


Naomi Osaka and Michael Phelps talk about Mental Health of Athletes

Never let anyone judge you for taking care of your mental health . Through the good times and the bad times its so important — Paul George , Basket Ball player

A survey of more than 900 NCAA athletes found that 33% of athletes with an injury and 27% of uninjured athletes could be diagnosed with depression

Several famous athletes like Michael Phelps , Simon Biles , Naomi Osaka and Serena Williams have raised their voices regarding the mental heath of athletes . Infact Simon Biles the renowned athlete even withdrew from the Tokyo Olympics due to her anxiety and mental health concerns . The tennis legend Serena Williams was open about her Postpartum depression and the struggles she faced . These examples highlight the importance of mental health concerns even for highly successful athletes . There are a number of other athletes who have openly spoke about their mental health concerns . I respect all of them for being brave enough to acknowledge mental health concerns helping other athletes seek help for their mental health and contributing to a broader conversation about prioritizing mental health in athletics.

While pursuing athletics professionally the mental health of athletes is often neglected . A quick personal story would be — When I represented my state for the Basket Ball nationals my practice was never ending . I started off practice at 5 in the morning continued by a break at 8 :30 and practice was again conducted from 10:30 AM- 12 noon which was again followed by a four hour long practice session from 3:30 PM –7:30 PM . This was my schedule for a week and I did not go to the court for a few weeks after that because I was still recovering from the exhaustion caused by the intense training . Infact I started doubting if I was even good enough to be here and if I was too incapable for handling the sport . You all can imagine how tiring the practice was as the main goal was to win but the amount of sweat , tears , anxiety and stress is something that should be a matter of concern . Athletes not only face problems during practice but also after major injuries . This gives them a break in their training and they completely lose touch on their sport which leads to lack of confidence . There are many factors that contribute to the stress and anxiety that athletes go through and as someone who has gone through tiring practice sessions and been completely exhausted by them this was a problem that I wanted to solve using my knowledge in Neurotech .


There are many promising solutions that Neurotech holds to imporve the mental health of athletes . I will be focusing on the stress and anxiety that atheletes face and how they can keep in touch with their sport whilst being injured . Here is a way by which I think Neuro tech can make a difference in metal health of athletes .

1. Brain wave Patterns

Electrodes are placed on the scalp of the athlete before he startes playing and monitors the brain waves . These electrodes are placed at specific locations . The electrodes are attatched to the scalp using a conductive gel or paste to ensure good electrical contact.Once the electrodes are in place they detect brain signals that is a combined activity of thousands of neurons firing together . Brain waves can be classified as follows :

  • Alpha waves are observed when the brain is in a relaxed but awake state
  • Beta waves are observed when their is high mental activity in the brain
  • Theta waves are observed during light sleep or in a deep state of relaxation
  • Delta waves are observed when the mind is asleep or unconscious . It is usually associated when the brain is in a deep state of sleep .

    Since the athlete is engaged in playing there would be an increased beta wave activity . The weak electrical signals detected by the electrodes are amplified using EEG amplifiers. These amplifiers increase the strength of the signals while minimizing noise .
  • The clean brain wave signals are then displayed on the computer screen allowing the coaches or trainers to monitor their brain activity . Neurofeedback training involves providing real-time feedback to the athlete based on their brainwave activity .Algorithms can identify patterns in the EEG signals associated with stress or distraction .
  • For example, high beta wave activity combined with increased muscle tension may indicate high levels of stress levels. In the same way , decreases in alpha or theta wave activity may suggest mental fatigue or distraction.This can help athletes get their required training and coaching to help regulate their brain waves . Throughout the training session the EEG system continues to monitor the athletes brain activity during their game and training sessions .
  • By understanding these brainwave patterns and their importance for performance, athletes and coaches can develop strategies to optimize focus.

Let us visualize how exactly the process would take place by seeing an example :

This is a glimpse of what the EEG electrode placement might look like

Alwin is a Basket Ball player who suffers from Anxiety and stress . This is how exactly the entire process would take place benefitting Alwin

In Alwin’s case, the process begins with attatching EEG electrodes on his scalp before he starts practicing basketball. These electrodes are connected to a device that captures the electrical signals produced by his brain as he engages in training drills and plays the game. As Alwin practices, the EEG device records his brainwave patterns, alpha, beta, theta, and delta waves. Since Alwin experiences anxiety and stress during intense training sessions, his brainwave patterns may reflect heightened beta wave activity, indicating an increased feeling of being emotionally worked up .

Using neurofeedback technology, Alwin receives real-time feedback on his brainwave activity during practice sessions. When his beta wave activity surpasses a certain level , indicating elevated stress levels, the neurofeedback system provides visual or auditory signs to alert him. Alwin learns to recognize these signs and implements relaxation techniques, like deep breathing , to modulate his brainwave patterns and reduce his anxiety.

As Alwin continues to practice with neurofeedback, he gradually develops greater control over his brain activity. He learns to maintain a more relaxed and focused mental state, even in high-pressure situations on the basketball court. With regular neurofeedback training, Alwin experiences reduced anxiety and improved performance during practice sessions. He can concentrate better, make quicker decisions, and execute skills with greater precision. Ultimately, neurofeedback enhances Alwin’s practice by helping him to manage his anxiety more effectively and optimize his performance as a basketball athlete.

With great solutions come great inconveniences
Eventhough here are the steps by which this method can be implemented here are some complications we will face :

  1. Difficulty is using the equipment might be real struggle as the EEG devide might be bulky and athletes might find it tiring to wear it during their training as it may be inconvenient .
  2. Extracting accurate signals from the data might be a struggle because of the athletes movements which will introduce noise into the EEG signals .
  3. Not all coaching centres are able to afford such expensive equipment and the issue of athletes mental health is a problem that many coaching/ training centres do not take seriously .


I just wanted to add a picture of one of my favourite Basket Ball players of all time — Sabrina Ionescu

The main aim is to provide atheletes with a peace of mind and to help them enhance their performance using Neurotech . But if I am being super specific here are some of the main problems I think this solution

  • It can help them stay focused and attentive during training and competitions, improving their mental performance. By monitoring brainwave patterns, athletes can learn to manage stress better and stay calm under pressure, leading to better performance in highly stressful situations.
  • This technology can also help prevent injuries by detecting signs of fatigue or overtraining early on. Coaches can use the data to format training programs to individual athletes’ needs, helping them improve their skills and performance. EEG monitoring can promote better recovery and overall well-being by identifying areas for improvement and facilitating the development of restorative practices after injuries .
  • By integrating neurotechnology into athletics, we can advance scientific research and innovation in sports psychology , ultimately benefiting athletes at all levels. Which also means my goal of helping the mental health of atheletes using Neurotech would also be possible !!


Be Bold . Be brave . Be Confident . Never let your anxiety hold you back- Cristiano Ronaldo

It felt like I was being too biased towards Basketball so I thought I would add in a quote by one of the greatest Football players

Usually athletes are always told that being stressed and having anxiety is all part of the game which is true but after taking it up professionally atleast from my point of view no one deserves to go through stress and anxiety in each competition they take part . I feel like all atheletes deserve this Neuro feedback training to understand how they can improve their game and keep their calm which ultimately results in their betterment of mental health and their game . Ultimately, prioritizing mental health through neurofeedback training not only benefits individual athletes but also contributes to a positive culture of mental well-being within the sports community as a whole.

At the end of the day, it’s all about building a culture where athletes feel empowered enough to prioritize their mental well-being, allowing them to perform at their best when it matters most. — Karina Grace

I hope you enjoyed reading this article! Be sure to follow for more exciting content on Neurotech and Sports . Stay tuned for more insights and updates!

Thank you ,
Karina Grace .



Karina Grace

Hey there ! I am a high school student interested in Neuroscience and Neurotech. I have a passion for mental health and well being among stduents and athletes.