Business and freedom today

Karine Langley Ph.D
2 min readNov 3, 2018
Like Franksensteins monster from a pumpkin I carved, if you are too slow to respond you risk falling behind

Years ago, I bought my first serious camera. It was a 35mm and took film. It was a manual camera and I used to even develop black and white film. I had so much fun and took some of my very best shots with it. It was an east german camera and I still have the manual that came with it.

That time seems like centuries ago, now of course cameras are all digital and the technology for cell phone cameras is so advanced that it eclipses the hand held camera. So it is the speed of change today is so fast that no one can predict what will happen. The only certainty is that the internet and on line presence is here to stay, to the point that the traditional brick and mortar stores are in peril of extinction unless they can find a specialized market.

So here we are as enterpreneurs trying to launch a product..what do we do? Here I would say that speed is of the essence. When you are launching a product or a service on not be like my manual camera. Yes it took great photos with great effort but now for far less effort my photos are even better. You see with my manual camera I needed to learn about the art and the physics of photography. I have no clue how my digital cell phone camera works but it is superior.

Many many many on line marketers fail simply because like me, they try to learn everything. It is not possible and if you do that the market will pass you by. It is like webpages..remember those? Everyone needed a webpage right..will drive traffic…help with sales…simply not the case…the webpage has gone the way of eight track cassette tapes..remember those?

The best on line platform for any new business, and the most complete with a great affiliate program is clickfunnels. Clickfunnels is like a giant store where customers come in but are directed to get other products that compliment their purchase.

So before you spend countless hours learning the new technology and crafting a product if you are not fast you will be left in the dust.



Karine Langley Ph.D

I am a psychotherapist with over 30 years of experience. In this blog, I will share some of the lessons I have learned based on my clinical practice.