What Kind Of Frequency Are You Vibrating At & Transferring?

Karin Pinter
4 min readApr 4, 2020

I’d like to share some insights on something called “transference.” And if you don’t believe what I say below, you can consult with any other decent therapist or spiritual expert on this matter called “transference.”

No, not the bank transfer kind. Not even the USB/pen drive file transfer. I mean the emotional/energetic transfer we all experience to some degree.

The transference experience is when one person transfers their mental/emotional issues and energy to another person. This happens a lot in relationships, especially when people start new relationships without having resolved something from their past; issues with a previous partner (toxicity, codependency, etc.), a childhood or other later in life trauma… we also call this “projection”. Transference happens through the emotional center of the solar plexus chakra, and it’s superior to telepathic communication (read up on the solar plexus chakra and what happens when it gets blocked).
Transference is automatic when you get to a higher vibration. There is an instant download of energy and “data”.

Example; have you ever felt an instant headache from dealing with another person whom you deemed an “energy vampire”? Maybe they’re not draining your energy, but overpowering yours with their dense energy. Kind of like the garbage truck dumping all the trash onto you. “Here, you seem like the easy candidate to dump it on because you are a Light Being. Handle that for me because I’m not awakened, I don’t know how to handle it myself, or I can’t be bothered…” Or you feel that dead weight in your gut after spending time with someone you love and later you feel like sh*t but can’t figure out why. You’re supposed to feel good with that person, right? Well, maybe they brought some dense energy to the table that wasn’t even theirs to begin with.

If you’re like me — an empath/highly sensitive person — you’ll feel this. You may even avoid certain gatherings or people just because of this very reason. You are sensitive, and there is only so much of other people’s energy you can handle at a time. Right before the global pandemic lockdown, I literally started to feel ill just standing in line at the supermarket, because I was sensing everyone’s anxiety. Once I walked into my home, I felt perfectly okay and safe. This goes beyond basic introversion. It’s a deeper spiritual/energetic experience.

I’ve joked that I’m an emotional/energetic recycling machine just for this reason, though it’s not always that fun while you go through it. That’s why I feel it’s important for everyone to be mindful of their energy. Out of self respect and respect towards others.

Take care of your energy. Be mindful of the environment you’re living in, the energy of the people around you. And if you start to notice, or are even told by someone who understands energy in this way, that someone is locking onto your energy and draining/overpowering you, then pay attention. Do something about it. And have the respect towards your loved ones to clear your energy or even clear those overpowering people out of your energy field somehow. That dense energy leaves a trail, not just in your own body and emotional field, but it may even harm someone you really love… And whilst they can do their own emotional healing work, it’s imperative that you do your own and not laugh at them or blame them for what may be a knock-on effect of what you dragged into their home, their bed, or even their body. Love yourself better in this way, and you will take better care of your loved ones.

On that note, if you are tuned in right, it may even help you understand if someone has been unfaithful to you but they just won’t admit it, trying to pull the wool over your eyes instead with distractions or even accusations of you doing that very thing as an attempt to hide their own actions. I know it because I’ve been on the side of accusations like that, it’s not fun or fair. Especially when I’ve felt the other person was hiding something.
Whilst energy speaks louder than words, in this human time-space reality, words can help clarify what’s really happened. Be the dignified person who delivers the truth. It may not be easy, but freeing yourself of any guilt gives you the chance to stop hurting yourself and others as a result. Keywords, “stop hurting yourself.”

Also, drinking lots of alcohol and being a highly spiritual person are really not compatible. The alcohol will mess with your interpretations, intuition and consciousness and keep you in low vibration energy, which keeps you with low vibration people, which keeps you in low vibration life, strife, struggle, pain, victimisation, low self confidence and low self esteem, etc. That’s how certain people try to blame others for not getting ahead in life… yet it’s all in their own energy.

“Recipe for disaster” especially in relationships:
Alcohol + fears = confused intuition (which can lead to messed up actions/misunderstandings).

Humanity needs you to purify your energy and consciousness right now and deliver the truth (with as much kindness as possible) so we can all heal and put the past to bed together. Be that kind of humanitarian.

Thank you, from all of us.
With Love.

PS: Rule number 1 for being with an energy healer — we’ll figure things out sooner or later. So you might as well speak clearly already.

