Exploring Inductance: Types, Formulas, and Practical Applications

What is Inductance?

Karishma Agrawal
4 min readSep 10, 2024

Inductance is a fundamental property of electrical circuits, particularly when dealing with magnetic fields in coils or inductors. It represents the ability of a conductor or coil to store energy in a magnetic field as electric current passes through it.

Inductance L is measured in henries (H) and is described as the ratio of the magnetic flux linkage Ψm to the current I.

Types of Inductance

Inductance plays a significant role in circuits with time-varying currents, such as transformers, power supplies, and inductors. There are several types of inductance based on the context and the conditions of the magnetic material. The key types include:

  1. Self-Inductance
  2. Mutual Inductance
  3. Incremental Inductance L_inc (i)
  4. Secant Inductance L_sec (i)

Each type describes different behaviors depending on the magnetic core material, linearity, and system operating conditions.

1. Self-Inductance

Self-inductance refers to the ability of a single coil or circuit to induce a voltage in itself when the current flowing through it changes. The induced voltage opposes the change in current, in accordance with Lenz’s Law. This is the most basic form of inductance.


  • N = Number of turns in the coil
  • AL​ = Inductance factor (depends on the core material and shape)

Key Points:

  • Used in: Transformers, inductors, RF coils, etc.
  • Applications: Power supplies, motors, generators.
  • Assumes the magnetic core is in the linear region (i.e., no magnetic saturation).

2. Mutual Inductance

Mutual inductance occurs when the magnetic field generated by one coil induces a voltage in a nearby coil. The magnitude of mutual inductance depends on how well the magnetic fields of the two coils are linked. This is the principle behind transformers and wireless power transfer systems.


  • N1​, N2​ = Number of turns in each coil
  • Ψm​ = Mutual magnetic flux
  • I = Current

Key Points:

  • Used in: Transformers, wireless power transfer.
  • Applications: Energy transfer between circuits, coupling inductors, sensors.

3. Incremental Inductance L_inc(i)

Incremental inductance is used in nonlinear systems, where the magnetic flux Ψm​ is not proportional to the current I. It measures how the inductance changes for small variations in current at a particular operating point. This type of inductance is important when analyzing the dynamic response of circuits, especially under small-signal conditions in nonlinear magnetic materials.


  • ΔΨm​ = Change in magnetic flux
  • ΔI = Change in current

Key Points:

  • Used in: Nonlinear magnetic materials, small-signal analysis.
  • Applications: Power electronics, switching circuits, dynamic system behavior.

4. Secant Inductance L_sec(i)

Secant inductance is also used in nonlinear systems, but instead of considering small changes, it represents the average inductance over a range of current. It is the ratio of the magnetic flux to the current at a specific point, making it more appropriate for large-signal or steady-state analysis.


  • Ψm​ = Magnetic flux at the operating point
  • I = Current

Key Points:

  • Used in: Large-signal analysis, steady-state conditions.
  • Applications: Power systems, large-signal inductance calculation, systems operating near saturation.

Linear vs Nonlinear Inductance

In linear magnetic materials, inductance remains constant regardless of the current, which is where the simple formula L= N² ⋅AL​ applies. However, in nonlinear magnetic materials (such as those near saturation), inductance varies with current. In these cases, incremental inductance and secant inductance provide more accurate representations of the inductance behavior.

Summary in Table


Inductance is a critical parameter in electrical and electronic circuits, governing how energy is stored in magnetic fields and how circuits respond to changing currents. While the standard linear formula for inductance is adequate for many applications, nonlinear systems often require the use of incremental and secant inductance to properly account for the core material’s behavior, especially when operating near saturation. Understanding the various types of inductance and their applications is essential for designing and analyzing circuits involving magnetic components.



Karishma Agrawal

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