Project 369 Journal Review

Is this really the key to the universe?

Karissa West
5 min readJul 29, 2021
Image courtesy of the author — Get the Project 369 journal here.

If you’ve spent any amount of time on Tic Tok watching videos about spirituality, magic, the law of attraction, or Abraham Hicks, you may have come across an ad for the “Project 369 — The Key to the Universe” journal.

There’s been quite a lot of buzz about this journal online lately. So, I decided to order a copy from Amazon to see what all the fuss was about.

But more importantly, I wanted to find out if following the Project 369 method would positively affect my life.

After using this journal for a few weeks, I’m happy to report that there are some things that I really like about it and some things that I think could be improved just a little bit.

I’ll go over the pros and cons of this journal in a moment.

But first….

What is Project 369?

The main idea behind the Project 369 journal is that you write down something that you want to “manifest” or create in your life:

  • 3 times in the morning,
  • 6 times in the afternoon, and
  • 9 times in the evening before you go to bed.

This is basically just a more structured technique for manifesting through journaling or scripting. It’s really nothing new.

The theory is that the numbers 3, 6, and 9 have special significance in creating the universe and manifesting your desires.

There’s also a legend that claims that Nikola Tesla is the one who first discovered the significance of Project 369 but didn’t want to reveal the power that these numbers had to the world.

At the same time, he was alive because he was afraid that this method of manifesting was too powerful and could have devastating consequences if they fell into the wrong hands.

I think that might be a little bit of a stretch, but I can attest that journaling is a powerful manifestation tool.

Does Project 369 Really Work?

I’ve been using daily journaling as a tool to manifest things in my life for years.

I sincerely believe that this process works.

If you are new to the law of attraction scripting or want a journal that provides you with more structure, this journal is a decent option.

I will say that the process of writing down your desires three times a day is powerful. From a non “woo-woo” standpoint, the things that you focus on the most are the things that you are most likely to get.

For example, when I started my business over a decade ago, I used this type of scripting to get clear on what I wanted to create. When I look back on what I wrote down, I’ve accomplished almost all of them.

When you focus intensely on anything in a positive way (be it health, weight loss, money, relationships, etc.), you dramatically increase your chances of achieving or obtaining that thing.

So, I’m willing to say “yes” to the Project 369 process works to varying degrees. It may not make a million dollars show up on your doorstep overnight, but when you practice the 369 Project method daily, it helps you focus on what you really want. Most importantly, it helps you raise your vibration to get in alignment with what you want.

The Secret Key to Project 369

As I mentioned before, the Project 369 journal is a helpful tool if you are new to manifesting through journaling.

However, this will likely NOT work for you if you’re merely writing down words on autopilot every day.

Going through the motions will NOT get you results if you don’t put some emotion into it.

The real “key to the universe” (i.e. manifesting or creating what you desire) is to match your vibration with the thing that you are trying to manifest.

What does that mean?

It means “feeling the emotion” of already having the thing that you want.

For example, if your goal is to lose 10 pounds this month, you should imagine that you’ve already lost the weight and feel the emotion that you would feel in the future when your desire came to fruition.

I found this concept of “raising my vibration” to be somewhat confusing initially, but now I know that I need to relax, close my eyes, visualize what I want, and feel the emotion of having that thing.

The last key ingredient to making Project 369 work for you is to trust in the universe, God, or whatever higher power you believe in and have faith that your desires are on the way.

You will not get what you want if you constantly doubt yourself.

Pros and Cons of the Project 369 Journal

Now I want to tell you about the specific pros and cons of the Project 369 journal.

The journal starts with a brief section on how Project 369 works. It goes into slightly more detail than I’ve provided here in this article, but my explanation is really the core of the Project 369 concept.

I think this explanatory section would be great for anyone new to the concepts taught in the law of attraction. Still, if you are already familiar with the basic concepts involved in manifesting, you probably won’t get too much out of this.

The basic layout of the Project 369 journal pages looks like this:

Project 369 Journal interior.

There’s space to write out what you hope to manifest 3 times in the morning.

Then you are supposed to write down three actions that you will take today to attract what you want and how you visualize this as a reality.

There is space for you to write down your desires 6 times in the afternoon and 9 times in the evening on the opposite page.

After each 369 Project journal page, there are affirmation prompts, such as “I am open to receiving all good things,” where you can rewrite the affirmation 9 times in a row.

Example of affirmation prompts in Project 369 journal.

I can see how some people might enjoy this guided exercise. Personally, I’d rather have more pages with the 369 prompts. But the guided affirmations are helpful.


All in all, my feelings about the Project 369 journal are mostly positive. The beginning of the book that explains the process could be reworked and improved, in my opinion, but the idea behind the journal is pretty cool.

I’m working through this journal now, and I think it will be fun and interesting to look back on it in a few months to see what I could manifest successfully.

You can get your copy of the 369 Journal here.

This story contains my Amazon referral link for the Project 369 journal. If you purchase the journal using my link I will get a small commission at no additional cost to you.



Karissa West

A little bit “woo-woo” but mostly logical. I write about personal development, law of attraction, and money.