Walk This Way

Kari Stoever
2 min readJan 14, 2023


Lyrics from Aerosmith’s song rise from within, only this time, it sounds more like Sara McLachlin. I see a million paths. Disparate pieces of me, each walking separate ways. Is there one way?

The answer comes as a question, “From where have you come?” It’s as if I don’t know the one asking the question. The voice sounds real and yet unfamiliar. Who is questioning, and who is the one to answer? “We are polyphony — one among many. We are the harmonized chords that make a melody. This song is you.”

My heart knows the truth. The journey to me is to get to we. I ask, “Where are you taking me?” “To faraway lands,” the voice calls. These lands represent the parts I deny. My ego and belovedness in God have yet to recognize each other in the One.

I surrender to the unknowing. I trust that there can only be one response, “Let it be done unto me according to your will.” The rearview mirror of my life looks like 1000 lives — a tiny pinhole into the kaleidoscope of endless world views. The unknowing calls me to surrender to and hold the paradoxical tension of hopeful yearning and suffering.

If reality represents mystical design, there can be no mistakes — only lessons and blessings. The lens we choose to see creates our destiny. So here I am, wondering who has been showing up as my life. What am I to do? The first thing I hear is, “Drop the do. It is being done unto you.” What does not doing look like? A humble yes, a quiet surrender, and a realization that I am co-creating and expanding love with each breath.

Yes is the path to freedom! With profound gratitude, I accept the transcendental nature of creation. And, though I may never understand how we are capable of such destruction to our planet and dehumanization, I chose to believe there is a creative, loving, and life-sustaining Spirit that unites us as One. Together we live, or we die.



Kari Stoever

Seeker. Social Justice. Love of Mother Earth. Practicing Kindness. "In the end all that matters is how well you have loved"