Solidarity art event for Ukrainian Artists in Austria

Karina Sunlife
4 min readDec 22, 2022


Ukrainian artists presented their work a week before Christmas at a small exhibition in Graz. The event was organized by Office Ukraine: Shelter for Ukrainian Artists. For three days, locals and guests of this Austrian city could immerse themselves in the art atmosphere in a very unusual place.

The drawing by Margo Sarkisovs

What is Zotl?
This question was raised immediately after we have known where the exhibition was planned to be held. The attempts of the Austrian colleagues to explain the meaning of this word in English did not help me to understand the meaning this word. However, the strange name did not prevent us from generating ideas on the concept of a future event. And then the preparations began.

A week before the appointed date, the Office of Ukraine held a meeting of artists in Zotl Graz. Thanks to this, we were able to see the premises, meet the hospitable hostesses, and think about how to present our work.

Photo by Karina Sunlife

The Zotl Artspace surprised us. It is located on a small street in the center of a European city, on the first floor of a house that is about 300 years old. Imagine the ceiling height is more than 3 meters, and the walls are 80 cm thick. All 3 rooms and several small utility rooms clearly indicate that no one has lived there for many years. Only a couple of years ago, young girls decided to let in a fresh stream of air. And having arranged the space a little, they began to hold cultural events. One of them was our exhibition.

Art and the atmosphere of Christmas.
During 3 days in the Zotl Artspace, it was possible to meet and communicate with 14 well-known and emerging artists from Ukraine who supported the idea of the organizers. Works are created in different themes, styles, and techniques, and visitors could view and buy them.

Photo by Karina Sunlife

The language of communication was predominantly English, although people also spoke in the way that was convenient for them — in Ukrainian, Russian or German.

Photo by Karina Sunlife

The local TV channel ORF made a story about the Solidarity art event for Ukrainian Artists, which was shown in the news section. For this, on the 2nd day of the exhibition, the film crew interviewed the organizers and several participants.

Festive music, tea, mulled wine, and punch, as well as sweets prepared by talented young artists, created a good mood. And after the closing of the exhibition, the organizers, artists, and visitors stayed for the party, where they could have dinner and chat in an informal setting.

A personal challenge and a step into the unknown.
For many years I have been fond of photography, and in 2021 I returned to drawing, which was once my hobby. When I knew about the upcoming event, I had to make a difficult decision since I had almost never shown my photos, and even more so my paintings, to anyone. It was the silent dialog with the universe expressing my thoughts, wishes, emotions, and feelings. Sometimes it is a way of finding answers to deep questions.The exception was the festival in the USA, when the very idea inspired me to share my creativity.

Photo by Karina Sunlife

At this exhibition, I decided for the first time to present 12 of my works, among which there were 5 drawings made by different techniques. This means that busy days of decorating photographs and drawings were coming. I prepared the works in 3 sizes: A4, A5, and postcards in size A6.

Despite the difficulties associated with finding solutions to many issues in the new conditions, I coped with them on time.

Photo by Karina Sunlife

What is the result?
The purpose of participation in the exhibition for me was to observe what was happening. Although I would not hide that I was glad to sell 2 photographs, 4 drawings and all the postcards that I took with me. So, in the future, it is worth participating in events where you can present your visual creativity.

As an author, I was pleased to see that people like my work. They evoke interest and emotion. A complete surprise was the tears that rolled down the cheek of a young Austrian girl when I talked about the meaning of my images.



Karina Sunlife

Karina Sunlife — a coach / cultural practitioner/ project manager / trainer on social entrepreneurship. The founder of the project “The unity of ‘Sun&Life’”