What is ASEA? Honest Review

Karl Lange
8 min readJan 31, 2018


Topics Covered:

  1. What Is ASEA The Company?
  2. What is Redox and What are Redox Signaling Molecules?
  3. The Science Behind ASEA
  4. Does ASEA Redox Actually Work?
  5. A Full Review Of Renu 28
  6. How Do I Buy ASEA?

ASEA produces its one-of-a-kind products in an FDA-registered, NSF-certified facility, and they are Redox certified products that contain the only long-term stable consumable formula of Redox Signaling Molecules... The manufacturing processes are 100% owned and operated by ASEA in Utah.

ASEA’s original product, known as ASEA Redox Supplement, is classified as a dietary supplement in the United States. It is unlike any other dietary supplement in that its uniqueness isn’t based on ingredients like herbs, botanicals, exotic fruits and berries, or complex vitamin and mineral formulations. Rather, ASEA Redox Supplement’s uniqueness stems from the fact that it contains redox signaling molecules — molecules that are native to the body and vital for life.

These crucial molecules act as cellular message carriers, helping to protect, rejuvenate, and keep cells functioning at optimal levels.

ASEA has created and patented technology that restructures salt and water to produce these exact life-sustaining molecules outside the body. A byproduct of this proprietary process is a natural form of chlorine that some consumers can taste despite its low, safe level.

BioAgilytix, a third-party lab, certifies ASEA Redox Supplement to contain active redox signaling molecules.

Here is a link to the Scientific Validation of ASEA: http://mediafilelibrary.myasealive.com/src/media/xmfl/file/_4038YXkxDsNfnFjcTQPvOrupFCXBi.pdf

The Benefits of Taking ASEA Redox Supplement

Why is having a supplement that contains redox signaling molecules so significant?

As we age and as our bodies are exposed to toxins and environmental stress, cellular function diminishes, and with it, our health and quality of life. This decline also affects the body’s ability to produce and maintain a proper balance of redox signaling molecules. ASEA is the first and only supplement that restores and maintains optimal levels of redox signaling molecules, helping anyone at any age maximize their health and wellness.

Because it works at such a foundational level, ASEA Redox Supplement positively impacts every system of the body, adding support where your body needs it most. Cellular health is, after all, at the foundation of overall health and wellness.

Product Safety and Efficacy

While the science of redox signaling is relatively new and ASEA is just a few years old, the company has pursued a strategic research agenda to validate the product. The first strategy was to determine its safety, which was confirmed in a 12-week trial with more than 100 participants.

Once safety was confirmed, ASEA has pursued a number of studies to validate the efficacy of its products. Studies on both ASEA Redox Supplement and RENU 28 are published on the ASEA Global website.

While the science behind ASEA’s redox signaling technology may seem new to some, it is gaining attention from researchers and has been the subject of upwards of 10,000 peer-reviewed scientific papers. A simple search on Google Scholar for the term redox signaling provides a glimpse at some of the credible research being conducted in the field of redox signaling science. And the fact that there is a monthly scientific journal by the name of ARS Discoveries (Antioxidants & Redox Signaling) devoted to research regarding redox signaling is further evidence of the validity of this exciting, emerging science.

As research catches up with the groundbreaking nature of ASEA’s technology redox signaling it will take its place among some of the most significant scientific breakthroughs of the late 20th century.

Here Is A Review From My VERY Speculative Wife

“My husband introduced me to Renu28 a couple of years ago and I wasn’t too sure what to think. I’m not really that much of a researcher, and he was explaining the studies about the science around it and the product itself and it seemed pretty confusing. He wasn’t sure about how good the scientific studies were regarding the main product, Asea (pronounced A see a), but was intrigued regarding the science it is based off of. He showed me on various medical publications that the this science which is called Redox Biology or Redox Signaling was being studied in nearly every known disease, condition or disorder known: cancer, Alzheimer’s, diabetes, nerve problems, exercise, inflammation, MS etc etc.

It has to do with oxidative stress, inflammation, and cell communications so that our cells thus our bodies can heal faster. He understood more than I did, but said it was a bit over his head too. My question was: does it work, what does it do, and is it safe? Again, the answer was kind of too good to be true. He was telling me to put it pretty much anywhere I had any sort of booboo, or ouchy. It sounded like the Windex from that Greek Wedding Movie. He kept saying that it is not a treatment of a cure for anything but rather helps your body/skin perform optimally so that you can quickly heal but it helps other things that you may be doing that are healthy and even medicines work better on you. I trust my husband completely, so I did what he said, even though I was quite skeptical to say the least. The first thing I didn’t like is that I now had ANOTHER thing to put on my face. I don’t really have any evident skin issues and like most women, I already have a set regiment.

So adding something to it, kind of bugged me. Plus my husband really didn’t use skin products and I didn’t really know what to think about being his guinea pig. The other thing is that each of these bottles is $35.00 plus a lot for shipping and handling. At the time, you could only buy 2 as a minimum order and when all was said and done, it was nearly 100 bucks! This is all for an 2 unimpressive plastic tubes which only listed 4 ingredients and the main 2 were SALT and WATER. To top it off, it is only sold through MLM. .

This just screams scam…Like I said, I do trust my husband, so I tried it just because I wanted to see what it did. Next Negative Impression: I opened the tube, and a bunch of gelatinous, runny liquid came out into my hand. I didn’t seem like too good of a gel and I had no idea of how much to put on my face. I put about a quarter size and rubbed it in. Then waited. I admit it felt refreshing, and clean and had no odor. I began to notice a slight tightening around my neck, cheeks and eyes. I liked how it felt but after a while, I wasn’t too comfortable with the tight/dry feeling around my eyes, so I put a little moisturizer. Was I allowed to use moisturizer?! I had so many questions. I used the bottle for about 2 weeks when I began to notice that my oily/dry skin was starting to even out and the area around my eyes wasn’t as dry after I used it.

Interesting. I still like putting on the moisturizer though. I was a bit angry that the bottle seemed to run out so quickly cause it was supposed to last a month. We even cut the end of the bottle so that we could get more out of it. i did figure out that I needed to shake the bottle gently before I applied it, and it came out in a nice get without any water. I still didn’t see any noticeable differences in my wrinkles but I have to admit that I liked the feeling of “clean” that I hadn’t felt after my usual morning routine. Eventually my husband discovered a “how to video” for Renu that explained that I was using way to much and only needed a dime size to cover my face and explained that i could experience momentary “detox” from using the product. Thank goodness that I didn’t experience that cause I would have stopped immediately. This info would have been nice to have at the beginning.

The “Miracle”…. The first noticeable and nearly miraculous change I experienced, was with a mole on my back. This mole had been there for a few years and I was pretty sure this fancy gel wasn’t going to make it disappear, but I swear to you after about two weeks of using Renu28 on it twice a day (covered by a bandage), the mole completely fell off and was gone forever. Ok — so at this point I want to know, “what else can I use this on?”. Even though my husband wasn’t exactly sure about how good all the studies were; he was convinced that it was safe. Family Miracle Windex Since this mole-defining moment, Renu 28 has become a staple in our household. It is our go-to family owwie product.

Regardless of the issue, Renu28 provides a calming/cooling sensation and ultimately provides faster healing for many types of issues. I am unsure to whether my wrinkles have gotten any better but I do know that people have been complimenting me on my skin more than before. I am no expert in the science behind all of this, but all I do know is that it works! Recently, I started using the whole Renu Advanced skin care system and couldn’t be more pleased. It is an all in one skincare regiment so I was able to stop using all of my other products. They supposedly work to enhance the absorption of the Redox molecules. The main product of this system is the Renu 28 as part of your daily skincare routine. The cleanser is very mild and has a gentle fragrance, and the moisturizer at the end leaves your skin feeling soft and clean. It’s in the middle here where you apply the Renu28 all over your face and the Renu serum as spot-treatment for any ‘trouble areas’ because it has like 5–10x more concentration of the redox molecules. I was sold on it when I rubbed it on the back of my hand when I first got it and it felt so smooth for hours afterwards. Probably the best part about these products is that it is 100% native to our bodies. I don’t have to worry if my 1 year old starts eating from the tube or some of it gets in his eye. There are no harmful ingredients added to Renu28 and even though we aren’t hippies, its still nice to have a product that seems to be as green as can be. My main issue with the product is the price. I wish it were cheaper so that more people would want to try it for 3–4 months. The only way to get it cheaper is to buy it in bulk.”

Where Do You Buy ASEA?

ASEA has to be purchased from an independent Distributor. You can learn more here or buy from here.



Karl Lange

Wellness Coach and Physical Therapist. We teach you natural ways that help you feel energized, lose weight, decrease inflammation and make you feel younger.