Understanding Self-Care: A Path to Well-Being

African-American woman with eyes closes in a bed of daisies embracing the sun on her skin.
Midjourney AI image created by Karla J Noland

As September arrives, so does the annual “Self-Care Month” awareness campaign. It’s a time when we come together to shine a spotlight on the importance of prioritizing our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Throughout this month, we’re encouraged to embark on a journey of self-improvement, one that promises to enhance our overall quality of life.

This journey is marked by a multitude of practices, from the art of mindfulness and the benefits of regular exercise to the serenity of meditation and the importance of adequate sleep. It’s about nourishing our bodies with a balanced diet, setting boundaries to protect our energy, seeking support when life feels overwhelming, and cherishing moments of joy and relaxation through our favorite hobbies.

At its core, self-care represents a fundamental concept. It’s the practice of intentionally and actively caring for ourselves to maintain and elevate our personal health and well-being. It’s a shield for our emotional and mental happiness, especially during those challenging times and periods of stress that life often throws our way.

Practical Tips for Reducing Stress and Cultivating Positivity
Here are three practical strategies to help you reduce stress and shift towards a more positive mindset:



Karla J Noland, CPQC | Award-Winning Author

Passionate about writing on my mental health journey, healing after losing my mother, moving forward after trauma, & mental fitness (quieting your Saboteurs).