Land Title Deed Conversion in Kenya: A Unified Approach to Modernized Land Administration


The ongoing conversion of title deeds in Kenya from traditional land laws to contemporary statutes is driven by the need to establish a cohesive and efficient system for land administration, management, and registration, aligning with the constitutional mandate of 2010.

Alium Law Title Checker

The easiest way to check if your land title has been listed in the Kenya gazette.
The easiest way to check if your land title has been listed in the Kenya gazette.

With a need to confirm the conversion process which can involve many loopholes, users can now confirm this through the Alium Law Title Checker.

Alium Title Conversion Checker (Simple Search)
Alium Title Conversion Checker (Simple Search)

The tool offers a free to use Simple Search feature where users can freely query their LR No and access details of their Title Deed only if published in the Kenya gazette. These include the New Parcel Number, Geographical Area, and Size of the land.

Alium Title Conversion Checker (Advanced Search)
Alium Title Conversion Checker (Advanced Search)

In a recent update, there is an Advanced Search feature which charges a small fee (as little as 100 Kenyan Shillings) in return for more details. This includes a PDF copy of the actual Kenya Gazette issue. This helps save Kenyans time with the land title conversion research & confirmation process, delivering publicized information securely to users right on their screens.

The Conversion Process

The conversion process involves transitioning title deeds from the old legal framework (L.R Number) to the new one (New Parcel Number). The Land Registration (Units) General Order 2017 outlines this process, requiring property owners to submit the necessary forms and old title deeds to the Land Registrar.

The Registrar verifies ownership details before issuing a new land title. Initially, a conversion manual was provided in April 2021, but the process now operates through the Ardhisasa platform.

Benefits of Conversion

Upon completion, the conversion process is anticipated to enhance the land administration system through:

  1. A unified title registration system under the Land Registration Act, 2012.
  2. A new register maintained in both electronic and manual formats.
  3. Introduction of the New Generation Title.
  4. Adoption of Registry Index Maps (RIMS) as registration instruments, replacing traditional deed plans.

Property owners are encouraged to migrate to the new system, as it offers benefits such as reduced fraud, enhanced accessibility to land information, and improved overall land administration.

Next Steps

Migration of title deeds is a phased process being gradually implemented nationwide. Property owners should regularly check Kenya Gazette notices to ascertain the status of their properties. If listed, prompt conversion of title deeds is advised.

Stay tuned for more updates on the app.

Article Referrer: The Conversion of Land Title Deeds — Alium Law

The Title Conversion Checker can be accessed at:

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Developed by: Karl Irungu | LinkedIn



Karl Kamakia | Full Stack Web App Developer

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