5 min readApr 25, 2019



blockchain technology has facilitated the creation of numerous platforms that allow for trustless transactions, one of which being the Darb Finance Platform. With support for multiple languages, the Darb Finance platform enables the exchanging of cryptocurrency without trading-off user-friendliness and integrates the working principles of blockchain technology into making the exchanging and purchasing of digital assets seamless and efficient.


Blockchain technology and the cryptocurrency market have encountered numerous setbacks in recent times especially in the area of cryptocurrency exchanging with multiple exchanges being breached by hackers resulting in the loss of millions of dollars in cryptocurrency.

Also, problems such as exorbitant transaction charges delayed order processing the lack of a functional customer support service have served to dissuade potential investors. All these setbacks have made the general public to be very wary of investing in and trading cryptocurrencies which has, in turn, resulted in the delay of the global adoption of blockchain technology.


Darb Finance has been created to solve all the setbacks of cryptocurrency exchanging and facilitate its global adoption as a medium of exchange. The Darb Finance platform maximizes the functionality of blockchain technology and cryptocurrency by providing high quality and efficient service to both experienced and novice cryptocurrency investors and enthusiasts.

Darb Finance also facilitates global usage and accessibility through its support for different languages as it realizes that the cryptocurrency market comprises a global society. The Darb Finance Platform has the capability of processing a staggering 3.7 million orders in a second! This is made possible as a result of its superior features coding and capabilities which ensure speed, scalability, and ease of use.Darb Finance Platform also supports the use of different types of cryptocurrencies while also functioning well with fiat payment transactions. Darb Finance Platform can be used to host crowdsale exercises like Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs).

Darb Finance Platform supports numerous types of trading like crypto-fiat trading, margin trading, and spot trading. Darb Finance Platform provides users with educational materials equipment for evaluation real-time market information wallet services and supportive service to users.


SECURITY: Security is one of the focal points of the darb ecosystem. This is because it realizes that the security of the assets of users is a core determinant in the prolonged success of any cryptocurrency exchange. User-end security is ensured with the usage of two-factor authentication 2FA, email login notification, and other security features. Users will also be notified when a login attempt occurs. The details and IP of all trading activities that happen on the platform are monitored by the Darb Finance Platform. This makes it easy to disallow any login attempt from an IP address that is not associated with a user’s geolocation. Furthermore, to curb the menace of money laundering, Darb Finance Platform is compliant with the rules given by anti-money laundering AML acts.

POSSESSION OF MATCHING ENGINE: Through its marching engine, Darb Finance Platform can seamlessly process 3.7 million orders every second. This special feature distinguishes the Darb Finance Platform from other platforms as one of the fastest global exchanges.

LOWER TRANSACTION FEES: The Darb Finance Platform charges low transaction fees when compared with other platforms that offer similar services with the fees decreasing as the volume increases. Darb Finance Platform charges only 0.05% and 0.2% maker and taker fees respectively.

DEMO ACCOUNT: Novice traders can easily learn how to trade profitably using the trading tutorial available to new users in the form of a demo platform where demo coins will be used for trading. The demo account is developed in a real-like manner, simulating real trading conditions and environment. Darb Finance Platform offers 24/7 customer support service. Darb Finance has in its employ a team of professional staffs in their customer support service that attends to all manners of issues that may arise in the course of the usage of the platform, thus providing satisfaction for users on the platform.

The Darb Finance platform is one of the few exchanges that shares its revenue with its token holders. Darb holders receive dividends between 35–50% of its previous days trading to holders in Ether!


DARB is given to traders in the form of incentive from the transactions done in the platform daily. It is the native cryptocurrency of the Darb Finance platform and it is an ERC233 compliant token issued on the Ethereum blockchain. The total supply of DARB has been capped at 200 000 000. The ERC233 protocol was used due to its security and stability of token which is superior to the ERC20 protocol on the Ethereum architecture.

DARB will be used as a unit of value within the system and gas for the Darb trade decentralized platform. Every darb platform service will have DARB present in them and DARB will be tradeable against Ether. Distribution is based on Proof of Trade (PoT).


The Darb project through the platform makes it easy to manage assets, explore the cryptocurrency world and also give vital information and guidelines on how to trade with cryptocurrency.

The Darb Finance Platform is fully operational and proffers solutions to the several limitations associated with the usage of blockchain and cryptocurrency exchanging, making it a superior alternative to existing platforms.

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Lover of art and beauty in all its forms. Cryptocurrency Aficionado, Wordsmith, Prolific Writer in the making.