Find Out What Exactly Is Missing In Your Corporate Photo Booth Party

Karl Whatham
3 min readNov 28, 2016


You might have read and listened to corporate gurus getting gaga about the efficacy of having a photo booth is an ‘ice breaking’ or/and a brand launching corporate party. Going by the words of the wise, you might have also tried hiring a unit in the recent past. Did you get the desired result? Not much? Well, you are not alone in the woe.

The thing is, while booths are indeed a potent tool for brand improvement, provided you understand the knick-knacks of using it in the right way…

The Main Thing To Miss

When it comes to branding your products, you have to go beyond sticking the company logo on some posters and napkins. Even you need to take extra care while hiring a photo booth! After all, it is all about engaging your guests, even before they develop an interest towards your products. Hence the experience, as well as the ambience that you create for your guests should be unique. A clever use of photo booth can do the trick, without your guests even realizing it.

Activating Your Photo Booth

You can utilize galas, brand anniversaries lunch parties and conferences to invite more traffic, without force feeding anyone.

· Ideally, go for a customized product from a reliable agency. Skimping on the product itself can cost you dear in the long run. Imagine what impression your leads and first-time customers will form on seeing sub-standard products!

· You can wrap the exterior of the booth with your brand, or create a tailored backdrop with your logo. Also, consider making a little more investment and create some specialized services, such as allowing your guests take home free photo strips which will have your brand logo embedded.

· You can also opt for a social media booth so that you can share the images straight from the venue to social media platforms.

Themes And Corporate Parties

They say that themes and corporate events do not go hand in hand. However, a little tweak in the conventional ways can make things better for you. For example, conduct a ‘Mission Interaction’ in your next event. This can enhance communication in the veil of a James-Bond themed party. And the best thing is, a photo booth can help you go a long way in this regard.

All you need is to hire a classic booth with black exterior and a black backdrop having the numbers ‘007’ written in golden. A bigger party venue is preferable. Ask your staffs to contain some ‘dare cards’, containing some missions. As for example, some might contain ‘pose like a killer’, while others might read text at least 10 unsuspecting acquaintances or friends messages like ‘meet me outside the embassy in twenty minutes.’ Again, you can ask a guest to name 5 words that rhyme with “James” or your company name in 30 seconds!

Those succeeding in their missions can be given perks like photo booth session, champagne flutes and some late night fried chicken!

You might find it quirky and out-of-the-box. However, in the age of corporate rat race, you have to be different to create a difference in youe business performance.

Corporate photo booth hire service should, however be open to all, allowing everyone to be shed their inhibitions and be their wackiest best!

Bonus Tips

· Remember that your party is not all about your guests; your hard working staffs deserve their share of fun too. So pick a venue which is away from your office.

· No party is complete without a hearty meal and good drinks.

· Keep some alternative entertainments as well, such as hiring a DJ.

In high spirits!

