Karma Weekly Report. 11–15 Sep 2017

Karma Project
2 min readSep 18, 2017


Hello, dear friends!
Here’s our second weekly report after the 500k USD presale completion.

Karma, IBCG and crypto expert at the Russian Parliament, Moscow.

What we’ve done

  • Finished 1st DApp development sprint. Created gateways for BTC and ETH deposit/withdraw. There's a lot of code and we're soon create the testnet.
  • New website prototypes and content are ready, UX-design team started working.
  • Karma DApp UX-prototypes work in progress.
  • 100% legal construction development in progress. Managing small but important details of the legal framework. We want to provide US and China residents with legal opportunity to participate in our token sale.
  • Started our Korean KAKAO chat room, reached 100 members in several days. 완전한!!!
  • Started negotiations with the top crypto exchange representatives. They provided us with clear goals we should hit to get listed. The goals are achievable this autumn.
  • Started negotiations with Russian Parliament about the legalization of the crypto assets.
  • Created brand new presentation for big and medium-sized funds to participate in our token sale at November.
  • Started negotiations with new partners to be integrated into our ecosystem: leading credit and scoring organizations, money transfer companies, major crypto projects.
  • Refined our plans on conference visits across the world.
  • Started our webinars, first was in Russian, soon we start English versions.

What we’ve spent

  • 2.7k USD. Final presale expenditures compensation.
  • 4.5k USD. Advance for the UX-design and frontend-dev for the new Karma website and Alpha-version app.
  • PS. Hooray, we haven't spent a penny while ETH was down, just using our fiat cash stash. HODL-ing ETH until it hits 370–390 USD/ETH before any fiat withdraws. We carefully manage the presale funds, because every dollar is valuable at this stage.

Welcome our new teammate!

Meet Tanya:

Tanya may look small and innocent, but she's got 6 years of hardcore project management experience. For example:

  • Managing biggest digital conferences and awards in Russia: Russian Internet Forum, Russian Internet Week, Runet Award.
  • Developing relationships with Russian and foreign partners.
  • Launching federal e-commerce projects at Yandex (Russian Google, leading search engine in CIS).

She will be our project manager, responsible for the website, DApp UX and QA, our content publishing and other operational tasks.

What’s the plan for the next week

  • Meetings with funds and potential key partners.
  • Conferences participation.
  • Start publications about our project and vision.
  • Refine the token sale process, sync it with exchanges.
  • Launch the production of our short promotional movie about Karma.

Thank you very much for your attention!

Have a nice week :)

