KARMA Launches“We Pay CPU” Upgrade On EOSIO

1 min readOct 18, 2019


KARMA Launches “We Pay CPU” On EOSIO

From day 1, the goal for KARMA has been to create a seamless user experience on the application to empower millions of people. We’re ecstatic to announce that KARMA is the first EOS DAPP to launch this upgrade so that users never have to worry about CPU again.

EOSIO Version 1.8 was a highly anticipated upgrade for the EOS network. Most importantly, it included the ability for DAPPS to pay CPU for users. This was a huge friction point for all EOS based applications. It’s unreasonable to expect all users to be able to have and stake EOS in CPU for themselves, if the goal is mass adoption. 99% of people outside of the EOS world don’t understand how CPU functions within the network and we feel that it shouldn’t be a prerequisite to using KARMA.

Also in KARMA 2.9.7 users can now customize the BOOST amount on their posts. Previously, all boosts were in 1,000 KARMA increments. You now have the ability to boost your content with any amount of KARMA all within one transaction. This change makes KARMA more efficient to get your content out to the world!

Website: https://www.karmaapp.io/
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KARMA is a social network designed for those who create the value, to actually earn it. Users are incentivized to do good, share positive & original content.