Wonders of a “Thank You Note”

3 min readJun 27, 2016


Remember that smile on your face the last time someone thanked you? Or the strong feeling of content you experienced while thanking someone who had helped you?

I’m sure you have the same content and smile glittering your face while recalling the gratitude expressed either ways. And be sure, you’ll have the same smile and experience the same level of content every time you revisit the memories.

Wondering why talk about something as lame as a “Thank you” note in a world where people don’t bother to spend two seconds to express the humble gratitude? Well, it is time we go back to the old school rule of using the golden words for good.

Living in a world driven by business, let’s get back to business and talk business. A thank you note, in itself has a tremendous business proposition. It earns you the extra mile by spreading an extra pinch of smile on someone’s face.

When you’re doing business, be it your client, adviser, boss or who-so-ever, some way or the other they end up benefiting you. And all that you need to do to ensure the keep doing the same is acknowledge their contribution. A tiny-mini one-liner “Thank You for the Kindness shown” or “Thank you for your time” could do the wonders.

Image Source: Internet

Studies and researches have further confirmed that, people tend to have more value for organizations or individuals who express their gratitude in some form, be it a text message, an email or a hand-written note (hand-written thank you notes still hold the highest value despite being old school and almost obsolete).

Let’s now dig some of the benefits that a short “Thank You Note” can fetch.

More impact on the receiver:

Receiving a Thank you note will make a longer lasting impression on the receiver. It is more likely that he/she will have a better memory of you and will be more likely to offer assistance in future.

Add a personal anecdote:

Writing and sending a ‘Thank You note’ often sends across a personal note of appreciation to the receiver, making him/her feel important and valued for. Moreover, valuing and acknowledging the assistance marks a personal anecdote too.

Inculcating higher degree of professionalism:

Thank you notes always add greater value to one’s professionalism. It is a common etiquette that is becoming alarmingly uncommon to the busy-bees of the corporate world. Thus, a thank you note is certainly a better way of setting rapport with professionals.

Thank you’ is rightly termed as a golden word, it indeed yields gold (not the yellow metal though). A note of thank you to your seniors would create a better image of yourself and they are more likely to consider you to be more esteemed. A thank you to your subordinate at work could create a more positive image of you as a senior/boss (which most bosses infamously lack). A thank you to your peer/partner/client would create a better value and longer relationship.

So, let’s get started once again, make it a point to thank as many people as we can for their contribution in our lives and feel the difference. Let’s make it a habit of writing apiece of gratitude every time someone helps us. Let’s etch a long lasting memory in the lives of everyone we meet, after all who doesn’t want to be remembered?

Let me make it easier and start the phenomenon by “Thanking you for taking time to read this article”.

Image Source: Internet

