Experimental squares.

Karma Thakrar
4 min readSep 9, 2017


This was our first assignment which was quite challenging, we only had to use squares, and had a lot of constraints.I have used different ideas to depict

1) Order 2) Tension 3)Calmness.


Order is an arrangement of sequence , when I think of order the things come up are something which is instructed to do, a method of doing some work. I have done my 4 squares for order getting ideas from tables in restaurants, game boards, diamonds, kites lining up in an order.

Best arrangement for ORDER

I got this inspiration from a chess board, the chess board squares are arranged in alternate black and white squares.It is a perfect representation of order. I have overlapped the 2 square to make it look similar to a chess board.


Tension, our minds are constant under some pressure and leads to negativity and tensed times.It is feeling of nervousness before exam or event. I have got inspiration from our daily life Getting burden of work, doing assignments.

Best arrangement for Tension

This picture is about how one thing leads to another and that leads to stress and tension. Like while doing this assignment how every thing was a new trial, some worked some didn't.


Positivity is a sign of calmness. When I think of calm, the things that come up are one should be in a relax state of mind and considering that the 8 boxes are made which provide a soothing effect.

Best arrangement for Calmness

I have taken the inspiration from a flower. Which gives a very gentle calm effect to eyes and calm state of mind without any disturbed feeling.


2)Only 4 squares allowed.
3)There was colour restriction. (Only black)
4)The four squares where to be placed inside a square only⁠⁠⁠⁠.

