When you think of quitting,
think about why you started.

Karmi Phuc
2 min readJul 26, 2015

By Karmi Phúc

These days, my company is expanding and lots of projects, stuff are keeping piling up. I’ve been thinking of this moment as evolution, and it’s a great experience to move fast and break things.

The downside of that is I’m burnt-out. I’m trying my best to do anything I could to push the company further. But I cannot do *everything* (by myself).

The overwhelming feeling got me. At the time I get back home, I have no energy left to do anything rather than going to sleep and giving no f*ck to the rest of the world. Yeah, I did think of quitting.

Luckily, there’s 1 wonderful idea to keep my sanity and motivation whenever I’m trying to quit:

“Why is my boss ‘my boss? Then how would I become ‘his boss’?!”

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Karmi Phuc

Full-stack Developer. Product Builder. Life Hacker. Google Enthusiast.