Karsten the Horrible
1 min readAug 23, 2016

I use pens, fountain pens. Of course, over time, quite a few have accumulated. So I should probably say that I collect fountain pens. Even more so because I have now more of them than I can constantly have in rotation to be regularly used. I did that for a long time, carry sleeves with two or three pens in and change according to taste or just fancy. Well, I still stick to buying pens to be used, and I use pens all the time. The twenty-odd bottles of ink on my desk at work are a dead give-away to that.

Long story short, I bought another, a desk pen, vintage, with a marble-ish stand.

So feast your eyes on a Sheaffer Snorkel Desk Pen. All I need is some felt to replace the cover of the stand’s underside and it will be perfect. Using it all the time at the desk at the home office. To rare to take that to the office.

Happy blotting, folks.

Karsten the Horrible

involved with ‘puters since ’79. Technologist, consultant, full-time cat addict. I do not at any rate speak for my employers in an official capacity. Sláinte!