Early Access launch of Alldone.app

Karsten Wysk
5 min readAug 9, 2020


On the 29th of July 2020 the team working on Alldone.app in Cuba made me one of the best birthday presents ever — we finally launched the very first version of the team productivity tool Alldone.app — thank you! :)
As any good MVP it is still a little embarrassing and not all the features are there. Still I am super happy we managed to get something great out of the door which works well as a web app on desktop and mobile and which i am now using as my daily driver to plan my day. Of course we are also using Alldone.app to develop Alldone.app — awesome!

This is about 6 months after I started developing Alldone.app on the side with a dedicated team. For now you can find the old (even more embarrassing) proof of concept version still on Alldone.app/login and the new version on Alldoneapp.com (if you are not logged in on Alldone.app you will be automatically forwarded to Alldoneapp.com — eventually of course i will unify those 2 versions).

As you can see Alldone.app is of course still a team productivity tool — however compared to the pitch i wrote about half a year ago it has also changed a little. The catch phrase is now “Team productivity made simple” and in this sense I see Alldone.app now as an even more simple, even more fun version of Basecamp (great tool and great founding story btw). Alldone.app is not looking to compete with the existing tools you are already using as a team but rather complements them (looking at you Slack, Figma, Teams, Google Apps, …).

The Alldone.app approach is to basically take the “best-in-class user experience” from apps made for personal use (e.g. Todoist for tasks or Apple Notes for notes) and build them for teams while nicely integrating them with each other. Alldone.app uses the task list as the “main inbox” since at the end of the day everything you are doing is a task. As a bonus we are planning to build in “smart support” features — for example Alldone.app will proactively search your (and your colleagues) past work history to find relevant info or experts for the current tasks at hand. The mission of Alldone.app remains: Make all teams more productive!

When Alldone.app reaches version 1.0 it will have the following features:

But enough about the vision bla bla — what is ready to be used right now?

The current MVP focuses mostly on the Tasks part of the app. You get all the features you know and love from the usual apps for personal use like Todoist or Wunderlist: Recurring tasks, getting things done support, highlighting tasks, story points estimation, etc — it is all there. On top of that it is all made for teams: So on the sidebar you not only see your projects but also the colleagues you are working with. One click to jump between the different users and see what everybody is working on.

You can also easily define workflows for every user. So if you want to establish a review-step (e.g. a product manager looks at a design) then you can do this easily. With this approach you can establish processes like with Trello or with a JIRA Board while still keeping the simple list view of Todoist. We are using this already to develop Alldone.app and it works great!

People is also available in a very first version to see some statistics about your team mates (who does how many points etc.) but the “CRM” part to manage your colleagues & stakeholders is mostly still missing. Once it is ready it will definitely include a nice integration with tasks so you will never forget to keep in touch or follow up with the relevant people of your projects again.

The Feed shows you what is happening in your projects — this is especially useful when you work together in a team and/or take care of several projects at once. It is basically a permanent digital standup. A later version of the feed will also include the activities happening in all your other tools as well so you can keep track of what’s happening across all your tools & projects.

Completely missing right now are the Goals and the Notes sections.
Goals will eventually allow you to plan your roadmap and to define your upcoming sprints. It will include a high level resource planning feature where you can estimate if your goals for the milestones/sprints are achievable.
You can imagine Notes to be looking pretty similar to Apple Notes while having the collaboration features of Google Docs. The most important feature here will be the integration with tasks — so when you write your meeting notes you can directly assign tasks to the people in your team which will show up as real tasks for them in their task list.

Alldone.app is currently available in Early Access which is a term from the video game industry. It basically means that you can already “play” the app even though it is not fully ready. For now Alldone.app is completely free but once we have figured out how to implement payments (and the app is a bit more complete) we will probably start charging 1–2 EUR/USD / month / project / user if you use the app extensively. There will always be a free version available which will likely be limited by usage intensity and not by features — so no Pay2Win ;) The prices will increase to about 5 EUR/USD+ per month/user/project once we hit version 1.0 (see above).

Nothing is cooler than seeing other people use your product. Therefore please write your feedback to karsten AT alldone DOT app to help develop the full version of Alldone.app together. Especially the critical feedback — now it’s still time to fix things ;) So check out Alldone.app and thank you!

See all the other articles about Alldone.app here.

