Feng Shui Tips for Apartments and Condos by Kartar Diamond

Kartar Diamond
3 min readMar 3, 2019
Photo by Timur Saglambilek

Distinct from the criteria considered standard for a single family dwelling, understanding the unique traits of apartments and condominiums is important in a proper evaluation. In this article about Apartments and Condos, I will cover some important topics specific to these dwellings which exist within larger structures.

Establishing Orientation: The Facing Side being the View Side.No matter which branch of Traditional Feng Shui you may be learning or studying, it is important to establish the correct orientation of the apartment or condo. This gives way to a lot of insight about the personality of the space and it is the beginning information needed to do any of the calculations related to direction. In the same way that an astrologer needs to know where you were born, a Feng Shui analysis requires that the orientation be defined.

In the olden days, personal dwellings were much more simple and straight forward. The house almost always faced the road it was situated on. But in modern life and architecture, the entrance as an indicator of orientation may come way down the list in terms of the clues which reveal the facing side of the apartment.

Tip: What takes precedence over the entrance in determining orientation is the views. And even if an apartment does not have an expansive view, there…



Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui consultant, author & teacher since 1992. www.FengShuiSolutions.net I also write about other metaphysical topics and mental health advocacy.