What Do Feng Shui and Organizing Have to Say About Books? by Kartar Diamond

Kartar Diamond
4 min readFeb 7, 2019
Photo by Christina Morillo

As a feng shui consultant, I have been to thousands of homes. I see some homes with hardly a book in sight. And I see others overflowing with books, although not nearly as often. I feel like most people reside in one of three distinct camps when it comes to book collection.

There are those who have hardly any books, as Group #1. This does not mean these folks don’t read. They may in fact be Kindle people, Lap-Top, or Desk Top readers. They may be neat freaks who think that books are messy looking. I just saw a Houzz.com living room make-over where the book shelves had been given doors to close off what’s inside.

Group #2 is those who love, love, love books. They actually read them. And then they save them to read again one day, as in a rocking chair during their Golden years. I like to gift books I’ve read to those who I think will really find the information to be transformative, or hilarious. I have saved many books for my son to read one day. Major book lovers like to display their books in home libraries, or anywhere. They are not to be hidden inside of closets or in boxes.

I lugged around many cases of books for years, the ones I had from college. Complete sets of Jane Austen, William Carlos Williams, D.H. Lawrence, Shakespeare’s plays, or whatever was the…



Kartar Diamond

Feng Shui consultant, author & teacher since 1992. www.FengShuiSolutions.net I also write about other metaphysical topics and mental health advocacy.