Relationship Compatiblity using Astrology

4 min readApr 29, 2020
A couple in the Milky way rainbow. Photo Credit : Zhuoxiao Wang 500px

Here an article by the Huffington Post on the 7 Secrets To A Successful Marriage. Now, you might be thinking — how does this tie into Astrology? Let me break it down for you:

Accept that there are ups and downs:

Everyone in life goes through their fair share ups and downs emotionally, physically, and mentally. Moon which is the significator of the mind — if the man’s moon is well placed w.r.t the womens moon then this would signify, that the couple would understand towards each other and be emotionally & mentally supportive. The couple would feel like they are connected in a harmonious and loving manner.

Hang in during bumpy times.

While matching charts, an astrologer can check for good and bad times in the lives of a couple. E.g: If the husband is going through a rough phase, but the wife is going through a good phase, then the wife could be a great support. On the other hand, if both the husband and wife are going through a rough phase it would very hard for both of them to stay together.

Marriage is dynamic and adaptable.

Change is an opportunity, not a threat. People change. That is a given. Now, when you change as a person — your interests also change? Will change bring the couple closer together? These questions can be answered by Vedic Astrology.

Bring the best YOU to the relationship

For an indiviual to blossom in the relationship, each partners needs support the other to grow intellectually, spiritually, financially, emotionally, and in their career as well. It should not be the case that one is advancing way ahead and the other partner feels neglected or left behind. Only when you bring the best YOU is when you could contribute and be supportive towards the other person :)

Your sex life waxes and wanes.

It is said that Sexual Drive should increase every decade of the partners life and not vice versa, as it has more to do with mental and emotional compatibility as compared to physical features. Using astrology one can essential study the chart of a couple to identify any potential issues in the sex life of a person. This ensure that there is a good possibility for the couple to enjoy a good sex life after marriage.

Communication is the key

It is imperative to have a smooth and honest communication between the partners. Mercury is the planet for communcation in Vedic astrology & if they are in good proximity then it would be easy to share feelings with one another, talk about difficult subjects and remain civil to one another.

Know how to compromise.

Both of you realize that it is not your way, all the time. If you need to give up all the time that is also no good. In a relationship there needs to be a good balance how much one needs to compromise.

In addition to these parameters Vedic Astrology can also help you understand:

Elderly Couple. Photo Credit 500px

Life Span : Are the life span of both the couples similar?

When studying two charts for long term compatibility it is important to compare the lifespan of the two individuals. It would be tragic to pair a person with a long lifespan with a shorter one. However, determining the life span is best attempted by a well-experienced astrologer. We do not want to end up in a situation where-in one partner lives a lonely life for say: 20 years and that too in old age.

Progeny. Photo credit 500 px

Children: Is there a possiblity of having children?

Children bring colour to our lives. Some charts show a difficulty with having a progeny. When it is matched with a chart that has extremely good combinations for having children, it will balance this out. At least one chart showing that the children will be good and will take care of the parents in their old age is essential. It is good to have this match done, unless the partners consciously decide not to have one.

Infidility. Photo credit 500px

Divorce Or Infidelity:

An experienced astrologer can see the likelihood for multiple marriages as well as infidelity in a chart. Potential for longevity and happy marriage in one of the charts can help negate ill effects in the other.

Now, if you think it’s a good idea to match your horsocope before taking the plunge into marriage. Do log onto: Jothishi




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