Karthikeyan A
2 min readMay 10, 2024

Part 2: Understanding Algorithm Performance: Big O, Big Omega, and Big Theta

Part 1 here

When designing algorithms, computer scientists care not just about whether they solve a problem correctly, but also about how efficiently they do it. This efficiency is often measured by the algorithm’s time complexity, which describes how the execution time grows as the input size increases. Big O, Big Omega, and Big Theta notations are crucial tools for analyzing this time complexity.

1. Big O Notation (O):

Imagine you’re running a race. Big O notation is like your slowest possible finishing time, representing the upper bound of an algorithm’s performance. It tells you the worst-case scenario for how long the algorithm might take to execute as the input size (number of runners in our race) grows.

Visualization: TODO


An algorithm searching a sorted list for a specific value. In the worst case (value not present), it might need to compare the value with every element in the list. This translates to a time complexity of O(n), where n is the number of elements in the list.

2. Big Omega Notation (Ω):

Think of Big Omega notation as your fastest possible finishing time in the race. It signifies the lower bound of the algorithm’s performance, representing the best-case scenario. It tells you how fast the algorithm can potentially be in ideal conditions, considering only the essential operations.

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The same search algorithm from before. In the best case (value found at the beginning), it only needs one comparison. This translates to a best-case time complexity of Ω(1), which is constant time regardless of the input size.

3. Big Theta Notation (Θ):

Big Theta notation represents the average or typical case performance of an algorithm. It captures both the upper and lower bounds, providing a tight bound on how the algorithm scales in most scenarios. It essentially defines a range within which the algorithm’s execution time is expected to fall as the input size grows.

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Sorting algorithms like Quicksort or Merge Sort typically have an average time complexity of Θ(n log n). This means their execution time grows proportionally to the logarithm of the input size (number of runners), but not quite as fast as a simple linear growth (O(n)).


Big O: Upper bound (worst-case) — “Woah, woah, worst case!” (One-sided bound)
Big Theta: Typical case (average) — “The typical, two-sided case” (Two-sided bound)
Big Omega: Lower bound (best-case) — “Omega, the ultimate best case” (One-sided bound)

By understanding these notations, we can gain valuable insights into how algorithms perform with different input sizes, allowing us to make informed decisions when choosing or designing algorithms for our projects.