Digital Marketing- Strategies Of Digital Marketing.

Karthik C
5 min readJul 28, 2023


What is Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing is nothing but an Online Marketing where businesses promote their own brand, product/services through online digital media.It can be on Social media or it can be on search engines.

What are the Strategies of Digital Marketing?

Digital Marketing Strategies include:

1. SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

2. SMM (Social Media Marketing)

3. PPC (Paid Per CLick Advertising)

4. Video Marketing

5. Content Creation

1. Search Engine Optimization- What is SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a process of optimizing the websites in order to rank top on the SERP(search engine result page)organically.There are differnt types of SEO-

1. On-Page SEO

2. Off-Page SEO

3. Technical SEO

On-page optimization : It is a practice of optimizing web page content for both search engines and the users. common seo practices include title tags, descriptions, content, internal links and urls.

Off-page optimization : It covers anything you can optimize outside of a website to boost your ranking. Backlinks are the biggest off page seo factors.

Technical SEO : Technical SEO is a process of optimizing a website for search engines.Topics that comes under technical seo are Page speed, follow/no-follow tags, canonical tags, Status code, sitemaps.

2. Social Media Marketing — What is SMM?

Social media marketing is the practice of using social media platforms and tools to promote a business and connect with existing and potential customers.There are several tools which you need to use for SMM.

* Facebook Ads Manager for Meta : Facebook is the largest social media platform and the most established. Since its launch in 2004, it has become an invaluable tool for B2C businesses, offering advanced advertising tools as well as organic opportunities.

* Google Ads for Youtube : YouTube is the second most visited website in the world. In addition, marketers name it the best platform to build community.

In addition to being an incredibly popular platform, its users also tend to stay longer on it because it features mostly long-form content — making it an ideal platform to share educational content.

* LinkedIn : LinkedIn is Facebook’s professional cousin. It’s perhaps the only platform where its audience is clearly defined: Working professionals looking to network and seek out new opportunities.That makes it the ideal platform for B2B companies looking to identify key decision-makers and build an industry-specific community.

3. Pay Per Click Advertising : What is PPC?

PPC is a paid advertising platform where people or the business owners need to pay for the google or other platforms when each time a user clicks on those links/products.

PPC is used for all types of campaign goals, including:

*Increasing sales

*Generating leads

*Promoting brand awareness

PPC is all about relevance. Users are searching for specific products, services, and information at any given time. Advertisers have the ability to show a targeted ad at the exact moment this search is occurring.

Google Ads:

Run on Google, Search Partner sites, and Display Network sites, Google Ads is the largest pay-per-click platform. Google Ads was launched in October 2000 and has gone through several iterations over the last 17 years. Google Ads is geared toward the entire spectrum of companies from small businesses to Fortune 500.Most of the Business use this platform in order to run Ads, We also reccomend you to use this when ever you want yo rech out to your potential customers and also to increase sales.

4. Video Marketing : What is Video Marketing?

Video Marketing is nothing but the Ad which comes in the middle of the video as a promotion Ad, while watching in any kind of the video playing platform.

Most famous and the used video platform is youtube. Nowdays OTT Platforms is also utilizing this video marketing for example- Amazon Prime

video, Netflix, ZEE5, Voot, Hotstar and many more.

Video marketing is a very valuable resouce for Search Engine Optimization (SEO). Videos help build backlinks to your company’s website and increase shares and likes, which can positively affect search rankings. These factors will drive more traffic to your site — post your videos there and assign them relevant tags using keywords and phrases.. Also, remember that Google — the world’s premier search engine — owns YouTube. That’s why you should tie your video marketing strategy to your organic search, or SEO Strategy tightly .

5. Content Creation : What is content creation ?

Content creation is a process of creating a piece of content for a particular product. It can be writing a blogs for most trending topics or it can be a youtube/social media content creators. Nowdays people usually create the content on social media platforms and the most interesting thing is that it also gains lots of traffic or increase in sales for which the content has been created.

Writing a blog post is typically a old trend but still people whenever want to know about someting or wanted to learn anthing which they don’t they usually search on the search engine platforms. So we can also connect with the people by posting blogs.

Content ideas can come from a variety of places, both from within your content team, from your customers, from other stakeholders in your company, from new data, or from something that inspires you. And, depending on the goal of the piece of content, deciding the correct angle you should take on a specific topic can prove challenging.

Content planning

The first step in planning your piece of content is to decide what form you want it to take. Some ideas will be stronger if they are represented visually, and could warrant an infographic or video. Other pieces of content may be best suited for plaintext. For those, a blog post, article, or eBook might be the best form.

In addition, during the planning stages you’ll want to make sure you’re doing appropriate Keyword Research around your topic. When creating web content you’ll need to select a keyword to target so that you can Integrate the keyword approximatelt into your content as you write, not after the fact.

The next step is to decide on the scale of your content project. If your content idea is specific and limited, you may only need one blog post, video, or article to properly address the topic.

These are all the 5 Different Digital Marketing strategist that you must include in your Business in order to increse your brand awareness/sales.

To know more about how to practically implement all these strategies into your business read — Implementing Digital Marketing Strategies into Business.

