2 min readSep 11, 2019


Rainy winter and Hot summer.

Rainy winter;

Much more water.Problem persist for 6 months. Electricity,Food,Cloths,Transportation and routine life devasted.A very big economical issues came out for nation. But a necessity for the future!!

But,I liked the rainy days! Is it not correct?

As I am a human being, I born on before the invention of Air conditioner, Refrigerator. I enjoyed the rainy days with corn flakes and hot snacks!. I designed a paper ship and boat it on the rainy water which is travelled through near the entrance of my house . Sometimes, I lost my ship! due to heavy rain . It may damage or the breeze air speed up the ship without my limit.Immediately I ran and took the paper and tear a sheet.Now,again I am enthusiastically design a ship and boat it on the rain!

Rain has stopped after a deep pour on the ground! . If It is a morning and a school holiday. I went to the well where the rainy water filled and dancing little that wave in well shore. Jumped and jumped until eyes are red or stomach intiuite me a hungry mood.

If The rain has given more and more water and filled the pond or created a little river -kanmai in tamil. I created a small boat with the help of small branches of tree wood and I am boat with two or three friends. I enjoyed the chillness and village mud smell, that create a native feel today also.

Really, I enjoyed the rainy days more and more than hot summer Ice cream time!