Karthik Vepuri
2 min readMay 12, 2019

Yes this Mother Inspires me!

When we learnt that we are pregnant with our first child, I was excited and nervous at the same time. Perhaps this is true for any new parent. I am sure it would have been a lot more scarier for my wife. We both work for the same organization as electrical engineers. So I got an opportunity to see all the things she had to go through each and every day. It’s not easy to be pregnant in a work place where you need to move physical things. All of a sudden she was a super women. She was stronger than ever. A few words for this super mom:

Yes this mother worked Eight hours a day for next Eight months.

Yes this mother fought through Gestational Diabetes for Eight Weeks.

Yes this mother took all the pain to give birth to a beautiful little boy.

Yes this mother went through a fourth degree tear for this little boy.

No this mother never complained about feeding the little boy through the night.

No this mother never complained about waking up eight times a night.

No this mother never complained about going back to work full time, just after six weeks.

No this mother never complained about anything at work, even though she missed her beautiful little boy.

Yes she is a super women.

Yes she is a super hero.

Yes this mother is a warrior.

Yes this mother inspires me.

More often than not we take women around us for granted. They are the the true warriors, who fight everyday life and make it look painless. The amount of effort a mother puts in to raise her child is insane. Now I know how much pain my mother would have gone through to raise me and my brother. Moms are the reason humans survived this long. Let’s salute all the great moms today. They are the true inspiration.

Happy Mother’s Day to all the super moms!

-Dedicated to my wife Navya

Karthik Vepuri

Purpose of life is life of purpose! -Author of Becolorless (Children’s book) and H2O ( Novel). -Short listed short film -GD -Wedding photographer-film maker.