
Start when you know nothing

Karthikeyan Rajendran


Everyone want’s to be successful. The fact is success is not a goal or vision, It is a journey with infinite number of milestones. It getter better or worst once you get started. But how do you get in to this journey? is there any signup form for getting started? — No, It’s all lies in your mindset and most important your actions.

Everyone face problems at some point in life where there is no exact solution in solving it. But the one who faces the problem deeply knows how it can be solved. And can make it as generic solution as a product or business to help others in the world, who face the same kind of problem. It might end up in building a successful business modal.

But how? Taking position as a problem solver doesn’t mean that you know everything. Since you chosen a path, you are going to start your journey towards your goal and in near future it’s going to take you in to a better place than you imagine.

All you need to do is get started step by step by understanding the problem and solutions. I have gathered few pros and cons when you are planning to work on idea or solutions when you know nothing about it

- It will teach you a new perspective of achieving your goal
- Can able to figure out new business opportunities
- Can concentrate more on doing rather than thinking about it

If you know everything before even started, you might be so conscious in what decisions you take and a list of questions you might need answers. It might lead to make less focus on your solutions or lack of interest.

In my life I always use to put myself in an uncomfortable situations and try to get deeper inside the problem and implement it, make the impossibles in to possible by not thinking. Just doing it. I got this inspiration from Varun Agarwal’s ink talk video where he explained how he founded million dollar company by just focusing on getting started.



Karthikeyan Rajendran

Is a Visionary, Techie, Experimental person. He listens to people who share real life experience. He loves to teach. Albuth, Anto, Aytekin Tank are his Mentors